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Title:Prenova informacijske podpore za sistemsko ureditev področja skladiščenja in interne logistike v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Cestnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Morenčič, Janoš (Author)
Files:.pdf Janos_Morencic.pdf (4,96 MB)
MD5: A46CDABAF8B4D191E872140D17509F8C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljena sistemska ureditev področja skladiščenja in interne logistike s poudarkom na prenovi poslovno informacijske rešitve za podjetje Plastik SI d.o.o. Družba, katere osnovna dejavnost je proizvodnja plastične embalaže, se je v preteklih letih soočila s težavami obravnavanega področja. Ugotovili so, da je bilo neurejeno stanje posledica številnih dejavnikov kot so: slaba prostorska organiziranost skladišč, omejena funkcionalnost informacijske rešitve, nezadostno izvajanje operativnih nalog skladiščenja in interne logistike ter v zadnjem obdobju porast aktivnosti zaradi povečanega obsega proizvodnje. Vodstvo družbe je za rešitev nastalega problema rezerviralo potrebne vire in sredstva ter postavilo jasne in končne cilje v obliki učinkovite podpore procesni funkciji skladiščenja in interne logistike. Pri tem je določilo časovni okvir za izvedbo naloge. Ker so ocenili, da je obravnavano področje kompleksno in obsežno, so nalogo opredelili kot razvojni projekt in na ta način izboljšali možnosti uspeha in doseganja pričakovanih učinkov. Namen projekta, opisanega v magistrskem delu, je bil razviti in implementirati sistemsko rešitev, ki bo temeljila na prenovljeni in nadgrajeni informacijski platformi. Poudarek je bil na upoštevanju dolgoročne vzdržnosti, da bo načrtovana rešitev omogočala kasnejšo razširljivost in morebitne nadgradnje. Rezultat projekta je učinkovita informacijska podpora za skladiščenje in interno logistiko.
Keywords:Skladišče, interna logistika, projekt, informacijski sistem, model, metodologija, agilnost.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5397-3424b078-6e29-a562-57fa-d40382ae59f2 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23000579 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The systemic regulation of warehousing and internal logistics based on the renovation of the information solutions in the selected company
Abstract:In this master's thesis the systematic arrangements in the field of warehousing and internal logistics are presented. Special emphasis is put on the renewal of the business informatics for the company Plastik SI d.o.o. The company, whose main activity is the production of plastic packaging, has faced several problems in this specific area in recent years. They found out that the disorderly situation in this area was due to a number of factors such as: weak spatial organization of warehouses, limited functionality of the informatics, insufficient implementation of operational tasks of storage and internal logistics, and in the recent period an increase in activity due to increased production. To resolve the problematic situation, the management has reserved the necessary resources and assets and set clear and final goals in the form of efficient support to the process function of storage and internal logistics. The management has set a timeframe for completing the task. Since they consider the area in question as complex and extensive, they defined the thesis as a development project. In this way, they improved the chances of success and the achievement of expected effects. The purpose of the project described in the master's thesis was to develop and implement a system solution based on a renewed and upgraded information platform. The emphasis was on taking into account long-term sustainability, so that the planned solution will allow for later scalability and possible upgrades. The result of the project is effective information support for warehousing and internal logistics.
Keywords:Warehouse, internal logistics, project, information system, model, methodology, agility.
