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Title:Analiza vpliva izkušenj in znanja na odnos različnih interesnih skupin prebivalcev Slovenije do rjavega medveda ter način poročanja medijev o tej vrsti
Authors:ID Laganis, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petrič, Ana (Author)
Files:.pdf Ana_Petric.pdf (1,59 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala, kakšen odnos do rjavega medveda imajo različne interesne skupine prebivalcev Slovenije na območjih, kjer imajo reden stik z medvedom ter tiste iz območij, na katera medved le redko zaide. Interesne skupine sem razdelila na: lovce in naravovarstvenike ter kmete in čebelarje. Zanimalo me je splošno znanje članov vsake od teh interesnih skupin o medvedih. Poleg tega sem želela ugotoviti, kakšen je njihov odnos do njega ali podpirajo njegovo varovanje ter kje dobijo največ informacij o njem. V nasprotju s pričakovanji so ciljne skupine na obeh območjih pokazale dobro poznavanje in tudi pozitiven odnos do te zveri. Skupine so v veliki meri izražale tudi spoštovanje do rjavega medveda ter menile, da je dobro, da medvedi živijo v Sloveniji, saj so znak neokrnjene narave in jih je potrebno ohraniti za prihodnje generacije. Manjši odklonilen odnos do medveda sem zasledila med kmeti in čebelarji, izrazitejši je bil izven območja. Naravovarstveniki in lovci so največ informacij dobili preko interneta, kmetje in čebelarji pa preko televizije in interneta. Vsi anketirani so trdili, da medijske vsebine delno vplivajo na njihovo mnenje o rjavem medvedu. Da bi ugotovila vpliv medijev na odnos do medveda, sem preverjala tudi način pisanja člankov o rjavem medvedu v nacionalnem dnevnem časopisu Delo. V večini časopisnih člankov sem zasledila nevtralno oz. objektivno poročanje, manj je bilo člankov z negativnim in najmanj s pozitivnim načinom poročanja.
Keywords:Rjavi medved, poročanje medijev, odnos do medveda, informiranost o rjavem medvedu.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5637 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22998787 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of influence of experience and knowledge on attitudes of different interest groups towards the brown bear in Slovenia and elaboration of style of media reporting about this species
Abstract:In my thesis I elaborated the attitude of interest groups consisting of individuals living inside or outside of primary brown bear territory in Slovenia. The groups were additionally split into: environmentalists and hunters, farmers and beekeepers. In all interest groups we elaborated their general knowledge about bears, their relationship towards them, their support towards conservation of them and their primary sources of information about this species. In opposite to our expectations, all groups showed good understanding and positive attitude towards this predator. They also express respect towards the brown bears and they believe that their presence in Slovenia is positive, as they are an indicator of pristine nature and they should be preserved for future generations. A slight negative attitude towards the bear was found in the farmers and beekeepers and was more expressed outside the area. Environmentalists and hunters gather most information from the internet, while farmers and beekeepers receive most information from the television and internet. The respondents reported that media reporting partially influences their perception of the brown bear. To assess the influence of media on attitude towards the brown bear I also elaborated the style of published articles in national daily newspaper Delo. In the majority of articles, we detected neutral or objective reporting, whereas articles with negative reporting were less frequent. The rarest were articles with positive style of reporting.
Keywords:Brown bear, media reporting, attitude towards brown bear, knowledge about brown bear.
