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Title:Prenova montažnega procesa v podjetju Agromehanika Kranj
Authors:ID CIKAJLO, IMRE (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hočevar, Martin (Author)
Files:.pdf Martin_Hocevar.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: FAA7CA40D1BA3256655DC4B22B60AC0C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Podjetje Agromehanika v celoti prenavlja poslovne procese, v diplomskem delu pa smo se v okviru prenove proizvodnih procesov omejili na prenovo montažnega procesa. Podjetje se občasno srečuje s problemom predolgih dobavnih rokov, zato smo si zastavili ambiciozen cilj: skrajšati čas montaže za 30 %. Proučili smo teoretična dognanja, nato pa naredili analizo obstoječega stanja: izmerili in narisali velikost montažne delavnice, popisali potrebno opremo ter ugotovili razpoložljivo število montažnih delavcev pri obstoječem načinu montaže. Pridobili smo kosovnico za izbrani izdelek, potem pa merili čase posameznih operacij ter narisali in opisali zaporedje izvajanja le-teh. Sledilo je načrtovanje prenove montažnega procesa za izbrani proizvod. Projekt prenove montažnega procesa smo vodili s precedenčnim diagramom. Za oskrbo z vijačnim materialom smo uvedli sistem KANBAN. Ločili smo logistično in montažno funkcijo. Odločili smo se za ravno linijsko postavitev in uvedli izboljšave v procesu montaže. Rezultat prenove montažnega procesa za izbrani proizvod je bil znižanje časa montaže za 41,57 % v pilotni liniji brez dodatnih investicij in 64,25 % v predvideni liniji z dodatnimi investicijami. Prihranek časa pri delu montažnih delavcev smo ovrednotili tudi finančno. Prenova montažnega procesa podjetju zagotavlja končne proizvode, razpoložljive v krajšem času kot doslej. S tem je skrajšan dobavni rok, ki je kupcem ključnega pomena v času, ko pridobijo državne subvencije za razvoj kmetijstva, ki jih morajo črpati v predvidenem roku. Zato ima prenova montažnega procesa za podjetje multiplikativen pozitiven učinek, s katerim obdrži obstoječe stranke, s krajšimi dobavnimi časi pa morda pridobi tudi nove.
Keywords:prenova, poslovni proces, proizvodni proces, montažni proces, vitka proizvodnja, sistem KANBAN, »ravno pravočasno«, linija, operacija, precedenčni diagram
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5785 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:34542339 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.10.2020
HOČEVAR, Martin, 2020, Prenova montažnega procesa v podjetju Agromehanika Kranj [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Nova Gorica. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Renovating the assembly process in Agromehanika Kranj company
Abstract:The company Agromehanika is completely renovating its business processes. In this thesis we focused on renovation of the assembly process as part of the renovation of the whole production process. As the company occasionally faces the problem of too long delivery times our goal was to reduce the assembly time by 30 %. We studied the theoretical findings and then analysed dimensions of the assembly workshop, listed the necessary equipment and determined the number of required assembly workers. We obtained the bill of materials for the selected product and then measured the times of individual assembly operations and drew the sequences of their implementation. Then we addressed the design of renovated assembly line for the selected product. We used the precedence diagram method to manage the renovation project. For the supply of the material for screw fasteners, the KANBAN system was introduced. We separated the logistics and assembly functions. We opted for a flat line layout and introduced improvements in the assembly process. In the pilot line without additional investments, the results showed that the renovation of the assembly process for the selected product line caused reduction in the assembly time by 41.57 % and by 64.25 % given additional investments apply. Additionally, we financially evaluated time savings of assembly workers. This renovation of the assembly process allows the company to provide customers with final products much faster than before. It shortens the delivery time, which is of key importance to buyers at the time when they receive state subventions for agricultural development, which must be drawn within the stipulated timeframe. Therefore, redesigning the assembly process to achieve shorter delivery time has multiple positive effects for the company: it helps them to retain the existing customers and possibly gain new ones.
Keywords:renovation, business process, production process, assembly process, lean production, KANBAN system, just-in-time, line, operation, precedence diagram
