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Title:Priprava podlage za oblikovanje strategije trženja v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Milost, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rutar, Lucija (Author)
Files:.pdf Lucija_Rutar.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: 20CDB1346271CE1A9441F940BDDFED72
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Trženje je strateška funkcija v podjetju, ki vse ostale poslovne funkcije povezuje s trgom in je soodgovorna za donosnost poslovanja. Namen podlage za oblikovanje strategije trženja je priprava osnove za učinkovito trženjsko strategijo, ki temelji na ključnih razlikovalnih prednostih podjetja in s pomočjo katere bo podjetje Parcom d.o.o. Nova Gorica doseglo zastavljene dolgoročne poslovne in trženjske cilje. Glede na pričakovanja ciljnih skupin kupcev, značilnosti trga ter ob upoštevanju ponudbe glavnih konkurentov smo v diplomski nalogi s pomočjo vodstva podjetja identificirali edinstveno prednost podjetja ali tako imenovano veliko obljubo podjetja, na kateri sloni tudi vizija prihodnjega razvoja. Z namenom dobro analizirati trenutno trženjsko stanje podjetja smo naredili natančen pregled dosedanjih trženjskih aktivnosti na področju prodaje in trženja; pri tem smo poudarek namenili varnostnim rešitvam ter spletni trgovini, kjer podjetje vidi priložnost za uspeh. Predstavili smo tudi rezultate ankete, s katerimi smo skušali analizirati trženjske aktivnosti in konkurenčne prednosti konkurenčnih podjetij. Na podlagi pregleda dosedanjih trženjskih aktivnosti ter analize konkurence smo opredelili priporočila za prihodnje kratkoročne in dolgoročne trženjske ukrepe, ki jih bo podjetje moralo izvesti. Velik poudarek smo namenili prodaji po spletu, ki za podjetje predstavlja novost v zasledovanju trenda digitalizacije odnosov s kupci in večanja pomembnosti spletne prodaje.
Keywords:Strategija trženja, trženjske aktivnosti, varnostne rešitve, spletna trgovina, trženjski ukrepi.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5856 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:34567939 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Preparing the foundations for creating a marketing strategy in a selected company
Abstract:Marketing is a strategic function in a company. It connects all other business functions with the market and is thus co-responsible for the profitability of the business. The purpose of foundation for a marketing strategy is to prepare an effective strategy, based on key distinctive advantages of the company. Hence Parcom d.o.o. Nova Gorica will achieve their long-term business and marketing goals. In this diploma thesis we identified the unique advantage of the company or the so-called great promise of the company, on which the vision of future development is based on. This was done in cooperation with the company’s management and based on the expectations of target customer groups, market characteristics, and their main competitors’ offers. In order to thoroughly analyse the current marketing status of the company, we made a detailed review of the current marketing activities in the field of sales and marketing, with an emphasis on security solutions and online shopping, where the company sees opportunities for success. We also presented the results of a survey, with the help of which we tried to analyse the marketing activities and competitive advantages of rivalry companies. Based on the review of current marketing activities and the analysis of their competitors, we outlined recommendations for future short-term and long-term marketing measures the company will have to implement, with great emphasis on online sales, which will for the company present a novelty in pursuing the trend of digitalising customer relations and increasing the importance of online sales.
Keywords:Marketing strategy, marketing activities, security solutions, online shopping, marketing measures.
