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Title:Optimizacija proizvodnje elementov za papirno industrijo : Diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Metljak, Vid (Author)
Files:.pdf Vid_Metljak.pdf (2,46 MB)
MD5: C61614A8B7E7D7A73AF740D877C300C9
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Industrijska pridelava papirja ima velik vpliv na okolje. Poleg tega, da vpliva na porabo naravnih surovin, kot sta les in voda, pa zahteva tudi precejšen vložek energije, predvsem toplote. Zaradi tega se na področju prezračevanja in rekuperacije toplote nenehno izvajajo izboljšave, ki naj bi zagotavljale energetsko učinkovitost papirnih linij. Za doseganje celovitega energetsko-surovinskega učinka, pa je o trajnostnem razvoju, materialu in reciklaži treba razmišljati že pri snovanju in izdelavi samih elementov za proizvodnjo papirja. Tema diplomske naloge je tako vezana na opis elementov in potek izdelave sistemov za rekuperacijo toplote v papirni industriji, ki pripomorejo k boljši energetski učinkovitosti papirnih linij ter celovito analizo poteka proizvodnje, od začetka konstruiranja posameznih elementov do njihove končne izdelave in montaže. Na podlagi analize poteka proizvodnje in prisotnih problemov je treba nato izvesti optimizacijo proizvodnje, ki bi izboljšala učinkovitost toka materiala, energije in delovne sile, skrajšala čas ter povečala kvaliteto izdelave, in s tem dvignila konkurenčnost podjetju. Analize proizvodnega procesa zajete v diplomskem delu temeljijo na praktičnih primerih v podjetju TIP95 d. o. o. Večina predstavljenih optimizacij in ugotovitev na področju konstruiranja in proizvodnega procesa so se tudi aplicirali v praksi in prispevali k pozitivnim rezultatom poslovanja podjetja.
Keywords:Optimizacija, papirna industrija, rekuperacija, proizvodni proces, konstruiranje
Place of publishing:Vipava
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5861 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:38016515 New window
Publication date in RUNG:18.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Optimizing the production of items for the paper industry : diploma thesis
Abstract:Industrial paper production has a major impact on the environment. In addition to affecting the consumption of natural raw materials such as wood and water, it also requires a significant input of energy, especially heat. As a result, improvements are constantly being made in the field of ventilation and heat recovery to ensure the energy efficiency of paper lines. In order to achieve a comprehensive energy-raw material effect, it is necessary to think about sustainable development, materials and recycling during the procedure of designing and manufacturing the elements for paper production. The topic of the diploma thesis is related to the description of elements and the process of manufacturing heat recovery systems in the paper industry, which contribute to better energy efficiency of paper lines. It also includes a comprehensive analysis of production, from the beginning of individual elements to their final manufacture and assembly. Based on the analysis of the production process and the present problems, it turns out to be necessary to optimize production. Hence one could improve the efficiency of material, energy and labor flow, shorten time and increase the quality of production, and thus increase the company's competitiveness. The analyzes of the production process addressed in the diploma work are based on practical examples in the company TIP95 d.o.o. Most of the presented optimizations and findings in the field of design and production process were also applied in practice and contributed to the positive business results of the company.
Keywords:Optimization, paper industry, recuperation, production process, construction
