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Title:Večparametrski model za izbiro najugodnejše banke ali hranilnice na Goriškem
Authors:ID Bohanec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lancner Zorzut, Kristina (Author)
Files:.pdf Kristina_Lancner_Zorzut.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: B56F7FF4B92E0668A8B56F653A359278
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo se ukvarjali z vrednotenjem in izbiro najugodnejše banke ali hranilnice na Goriškem. Banke ali hranilnice nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku. Med seboj so si precej podobne, vse namreč ponujajo finančne storitve uporabniku. Vse si želijo privabiti čim več uporabnikov, zato strokovnjaki znotraj vsake posamezne finančne ustanove kreirajo in iščejo posamezne rešitve, kje in kako bi se čimbolj približali čim večji populaciji. Nekatere banke/hranilnice imajo zato nižje stroške na eni strani, druge na drugi. Prav zato smo se hoteli prepričati in sploh ugotoviti, ali obstaja najugodnejša banka/hranilnica na Goriškem ter katera je to. Vrednotenje in izbor je potekal s pomočjo večparametrske metode DEX. Po izbiri kriterijev, ki kar najboljše opišejo delovanje bank/hranilnic, smo po korakih večparametrskega modeliranja izdelali celoten model ter z njim ovrednotili in analizirali naše izbrane banke/hranilnice. Izdelali smo tudi analizo “Kaj-če?”, analizo plus/minus 1 ter analizo selektivne razlage. Končni rezultat je predlog najprimernejše banke/hranilnice. V našem primeru sta to dve: Primorska hranilnica Vipava (PHV) ter Delavska hranilnica (DH), ki sta bili ocenjeni kot ugodni hranilnici, vendar vseeno ne kot najugodnejši. Ugodni sta zato, ker sta po skoraj vseh kriterijih opredeljeni kot ugodni ali srednji. PHV je neugodna samo glede dostopnosti bančnega okenca. Za razliko od PHV je imela DH poleg tega kot neugodno ocenjeno še pridobitev kartice.
Keywords:banka, hranilnica, odločitveni model, večparametrsko odločanje, metoda DEX, program DEXi
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5889 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:41752579 New window
Publication date in RUNG:09.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:A multi-criteria model for selecting the most favourable bank or savings bank in the Goriška region
Abstract:In the master's thesis, we dealt with the evaluation and selection of the most favorable bank or savings bank in the Goriška region. Banks or savings banks follow us every step of the way. They are quite similar to each other, all of which are offering similar financial services to the user. They all want to attract as many users as possible, so experts within each individual financial institution create and look for individual solutions, where and how to get as close as possible to the widest population. Some banks / savings banks therefore have lower costs on the one hand, others on the other. That is whywe wanted to find out if there is the most favorable bank / savings bank in the Goriška region and which one it is. Evaluation and selection was performed using the multi-criteria DEX method. After selecting the criteria that best describe the operation of banks / savings banks, we took the approach of multi-criteria modeling, in which we created a complete model and evaluated and analyzed our selected banks / savings banks. During the analysis, we also performed a “What-if? “ analysis, “ plus/minus 1“ analysis, and selective explanation analysis. The end result is a proposal for the most suitable bank / savings bank. In our case, there are two: Primorska hranilnica Vipava (PHV) and Delavska hranilnica (DH), which were assessed as favorable savings banks, but still not as the most favorable. They are favorable because they are assessed as favorable or medium by almost all criteria. PHV is disadvantageous only in terms of bank counter accessibility. Unlike PHV, DH also had unfavorable acquisition of the card.
Keywords:bank, savings bank, decision model, multi-criteria decision making, DEX method, DEXi program
