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Title:Theoretical and experimental aspects of numerosity and quantification in Lebanese Arabic : dissertation
Authors:ID Al Moussaoui, Ali (Author)
ID Stateva, Penka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stepanov, Arthur (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
.pdf RAZ_Al_Moussaoui_Ali_i2020.pdf (3,00 MB)
MD5: 1EC895B165C525FCB749685F2CD77758
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:A question that is receiving an increasing attention in linguistics research concerns the language components of counting. This topic is approached from syntactic, semantic and pragmatic points of view. While some accounts advocate for purely syntactic or semantic approaches of countability, other adopt hybrid accounts in which labor is divided between syntax and semantics. At the same time, research finds that there is a pragmatic component enriching the interpretation of countability and numerosity in language. This dissertation attempts to contribute into the lines of research concerned in the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of countability with a focus on Lebanese Arabic (Henceforth LA), a language that has received little attention in the literature of counting. In this dissertation, a broken agreement pattern in LA between the cardinal numerals and the post-numeral counted noun phrases is examined on the basis of a syntactic-semantic model of countability developed by Stepanov and Stateva (2018). We argue that the current existing model can be used to account for the countability broken agreement pattern in LA when necessary modifications are applied to it. The success of this model in accounting for the numeral-noun-phrase agreement in LA is added to its success in similar missions in countability in Russian (Stepanov and Stateva 2018) and previously in Japanese (Watanabe 2010). The pragmatic component of countability in LA is also examined from the angle of pragmatic strengthening. The traditional difference between singular nominals and plural nominals which makes a distinction between domains of atoms and domains of sums is seriously challenged by current semantic and pragmatic research. The plural is found to be more complex than a simplistic view of more than one, and its interpretation has a pragmatic component which involves enriching the meaning of plurality against singularity. In our dissertation, we intend to examine an enriching pragmatic process of plural against duality in LA, a language that still preserves special morphological marking for duality. So, our research investigates the pragmatic strengthening of the plural morphology in LA against the dual morphology which results in at-least-three meaning of the plural. On the assumption that pragmatic reasoning contributes to the interpretation of plural nominals, we extend our research to the area of bilingual LA speakers who can be an ideal environment to look into the cognitive processes involved in the interaction between two linguistic systems that have diverging features pertaining to a given linguistic phenomenon, which is countability in our study. We predict crosslinguistic variation in the interpretation of plural morphology. If languages like English associate plural with an at-least-two meaning as a result of pragmatic enrichment with an anti-singularity inference, then, in languages that morphologically differentiate among singular, plural and dual number, the morphological plural is predicted to correspond to an at-least-three meaning. In this study, we ask whether the predicted variation in the interpretation of plural morphology among the non-dual and dual-featuring languages is a locus of negative pragmatic transfer of features from LA as a mother tongue and English/ French as foreign languages.
Keywords:countability, numerosity, Lebanese Arabic, countability model, negative pragmatic transfer, and foreign language exposure
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:A. Al Moussaoui
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:XIII, 241 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5927 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:70435075 New window
Publication date in RUNG:16.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:V skladenjskih, semantičnih in pragmatičnih jezikoslovnih raziskavah vse več pozornosti pridobiva vprašanje, kako se v jeziku odslikavajo prvine štetja. Nekateri pristopi so strogo skladenjski ali strogo semantični, medtem ko so drugi mešani in vsebujejo tako skladenjske kot semantične prijeme. Raziskave pa so pokazale, da interpretacijo števnosti in številčnosti v danem jeziku bogatijo tudi pragmatične prvine. Ta disertacija prispeva k raziskavam, osnovanih na skladenjskem, semantičnem in pragmatičnem vidiku števnosti, in sicer na primeru libanonske arabščine, ki je bila do sedaj na tem področju le malo raziskana. Disertacija temelji na skladenjsko-semantičnem modelu števnosti, ki sta ga razvila Stepanov in Stateva (2018) in ga uspešno uporabila na števnosti v ruščini, pred tem pa je bil soroden model uporabljen tudi na števnosti v japonščini (Watanabe 2010). Za potrebe libanonske arabščine je bil model v tej disertaciji ustrezno dopolnjen in uporabljen za razlago kompleksne paradigme oblikoslovnega ujemanja med glavnim števnikom in števno samostalniško zvezo, ki stoji za njim. Pragmatični vidik števnosti v libanonski arabščini je obravnavan tudi iz vidika pojma pragmatične ojačitve. Nove semantične in pragmatične raziskave namreč postavljajo pod vprašaj klasično razlikovanje med samostalniki v ednini in samostalniki v množini, ki temelji na razliki med interpretacijama samostalniške zveze kot 'atomske enote' oziroma kot 'vsote atomskih enot'. Zdi se, da je interpretacija množine bolj zapletena, kot predvideva preprosta razlaga njenega pomena z 'več kot ena entiteta'; vsebuje namreč pragmatično prvino, ki ojača pomen množine v odnosu do ednine. V disertaciji je obravnavan pragmatični proces, ki ojača množino v odnosu do dvojine v libanonski arabščini, ki je jezik z ohranjenim dvojinskim oblikoslovjem. Raziskali smo torej pragmatično ojačitev množinskih samostalniških oblik v odnosu do dvojinskih samostalniških oblik, ki povzroči spremembo interpretacije množine iz 'vsaj dve entiteti' v 'vsaj tri entitete' v libanonski arabščini. Privzemamo, da pragmatično sklepanje prispeva k interpretaciji samostalnikov v množini, zato v zadnjem delu disertacije raziskovanje razširimo na dvojezične govorce libanonske arabščine. Pri njih namreč prihaja do kognitivnih procesov, ki so posledica součinkovanja dveh jezikovnih sistemov z različno realizacijo oznak števnosti, ki jih obravnava ta disertacija. Predvidevamo, da bodo pri interpretaciji množinskih samostalniških oblik možne medjezikovne razlike. Če v jeziku brez dvojine, kot je na primer angleščina, pomen 'vsaj dve entitetí' nastane zaradi pragmatične ojačitve na podlagi odnosa do ednine, potem bo v jezikih z dvojino nujno nastala interpretacija množine v smislu 'vsaj tri entitete'. S študijo pa smo preverili, ali napovedane medjezikovne razlike med jeziki z dvojino in brez nje v interpretaciji množinskih samostalniških oblik lahko postanejo predmet negativnega pragmatičnega prenosa oznak iz libanonske arabščine kot prvega jezika v angleščino oziroma francoščino kot drugi jezik.
Keywords:številčnost, libanonska arabščina, model števnosti, negativen pragmatični prenos, izpostavljenost drugemu jeziku, disertacije
