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Title:New Data Policy in South-East Europe : (related to the SEE-MHEWS-A project)
Authors:ID Bergant, Klemen, Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje, Univerza v Novi Gorici (Author)
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:3.15 - Unpublished Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Conference contribution presents the process of development of a new data policy for the South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System project (SEE-MHEWS-A Project). The project, led by the World Meteorological Organization, is currently in a demonstration phase. National meteorological and hydrological services (NMHSs) from 17 countries in the South-East Europe are involved in the project. With common SEE-MHEWS Data Policy Agreement the involved NMHSs express their willingness and provide legal framework for the exchange of all available meteorological and hydrological data with a main purpose to improve their meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings. The project data policy could be seen as a first step towards the open data policy in the region.
Keywords:Multi-Hazard Early Warning System, Meteorological and Hydorlogical Warnings, Data Exchnage, Data Policy
Place of performance:Virtualna konferenca
Year of performance:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6140 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:45499907 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.01.2021
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