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Title:Značilnosti organizacijske klime v izbrani organizaciji
Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Salanović, Maida (Author)
Files:.pdf Maida_Salanovic.pdf (1,66 MB)
MD5: D3FD1351A501F3D28659C7AD7BFF070C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Organizacija je vsakodnevno prisotna v človeškem življenju, ker človek s pomočjo organizacije učinkovito opravlja vse svoje naloge. V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo pojma organizacijska klima in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v izbrani organizaciji. Pomembna naloga vsake organizacije je vlaganje v ljudi, saj so sposobni in zadovoljni zaposleni ena izmed glavnih konkurenčnih prednosti uspešne organizacije. Zadovoljstvo z delom prestavlja naravnanost do dela. Gre za želeno ali pozitivno čustveno stanje, ki je rezultat posameznikove ocene dela ali doživljanja in izkušenj pri delu. Organizacijska klima ima pomemben vpliv na doseganje ciljev organizacije, zaradi tega je zelo pomembno, ali je klima v organizaciji ugodna ali ne. Vodstvo se mora najprej vprašati, kaj lahko naredi za izboljšanje klime in s tem tudi motivacije zaposlenih. Merjenje organizacijske klime je za gospodarstvo pomembno tudi zato, ker tako dobi povratne informacije o tem, kako dobro izpolnjuje potrebe in pričakovanja zaposlenih. Največjo odgovornost za uspešno organizacijsko klimo v organizaciji ima vodstvo, saj s svojim vodenjem predstavlja zgled zaposlenim.
Keywords:organizacijska klima, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, dimenzije organizacijske klime, nezadovoljsto zaposlenih
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6545 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:69845251 New window
Publication date in RUNG:23.08.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The characteristics of the organisational climate in a chosen organisation
Abstract:The organization is present in human life on a daily basis, because with the help of the organization, the person efficiently performs all his tasks. In the diploma we discuss the concepts of organizational climate and employee satisfaction in the selected organization. An important task of any organization is to invest in people, as capable and satisfied employees are one of the main competitive advantages of a successful organization. Job satisfaction is a shift towards work. It is a desired or positive emotional state that is the result of an individual's assessment of work or experience at work. Organizational climate has a significant impact on achieving the goals of the organization, which is why it is very important whether the climate in the organization is favorable or not. Management must first ask themselves what they can do to improve the climate and with that the motivation of employees. Measuring the organizational climate is also important for the economy because it provides feedback on how well it meets the needs and expectations of employees. Management has the greatest responsibility for a successful organizational climate in the organization, as its leadership sets an example to employees.
Keywords:organizational climate, employee satisfaction, dimensions of organizational climate, employee dissatisfaction
