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Title:Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols in the Sarajevo Canton : results of 2017-2018 Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign (SAFICA)
Authors:ID Džepina, Katja (Author)
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Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.10 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution Abstract (invited lecture)
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:The World Health Organization (WHO) identified air pollution as the world’s largest single environmental health risk causing seven million deaths per year, one in eight deaths globally. Of particular concern are heavily polluted and understudied urban centres: while thousands of scientific papers have been published on air quality of the cities such as London, UK and Los Angeles, USA, only 41 papers exist on the top 10 globally most polluted cities. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), is one of urban centres which often experiences low air quality due to the extensive use of non-renewable energy sources and geographical location. For example, in Sarajevo during 2010, an annual average concentration of particulate matter (PM) with a diameter smaller than 10 µm (PM10) was 50 µg/m3, a value 2.5x higer than the recommended WHO guidelines value of 20 µg/m3. Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2017-2018 (SAFICA) took place in the Sarajevo Canton during the cold winter season of 2017 – 2018 (Dec 4, 2017 – Mar 15, 2018), the period historically characterized with the lowest air quality according to the available data. SAFICA project was lead by Federal hydrometeorological Institute of B&H, Institute of Public Health of the Sarajevo Canton, University of Sarajevo and University of Rijeka, and field measurements took place at three urban locations within the city of Sarajevo (Otoka, Pofalići i Bjelave) i one remote location (Ivan Sedlo mountain ridge). In this presentation, the basics of anthropogenic air pollution and its global influece on the air quality will be explained. Particular attention will be given to the atmospheric PM or aerosols, and aerosols formation mechanisms and the importance of their characteristics such as atmospheric concentration, size and chemical composition will be explained. Also, the reasons for the adverse effects of aerosols on human health and the correlation of atmospheric fine PM (PM2.5) concentrations and human mortality will be explained. Finally, preliminary results of SAFICA measurements campaign will be presented and compared with those from other global urban centers.
Keywords:atmospheric aerosol, Sarajevo, urban air pollution, SAFICA 2018
Year of publishing:2018
Number of pages:Str. 4
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6557 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:64752899 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.05.2021
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Book of abstracts : special issue of Bulletin of the chemists and technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Editors:Fehim Korać
Place of publishing:[S. l.
Publisher:s. n.
Year of publishing:2018
COBISS.SI-ID:1538106819 New window
Collection title:Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine (Print)
Collection ISSN:0367-4444

Secondary language

Title:Kemijska karakterizacija atmosferskih lebdećih čestica u Kantonu Sarajevo: rezultati kampanje mjerenja tijekom zime 2017-2018 (SAFICA)
Abstract:Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (eng. World Health Organization, WHO) identificirala je zagađenje zraka kao najveći rizik okolišnog zdravlja koji uzrokuje smrt sedam miliona smrti godišnje, globalno jednu od osam smrti. Posebnu pažnju zaslužuju vrlo zagađeni urbani centri u kojima se ne prove istraživanja kvalitete zraka: tisuće znanstvenih radova napisano je o urbanim centrima poput Londona, Velika Britanija i Los Angelesa, SAD, dok o deset globalno najzagađenijih gradova postoji samo 41 znanstveni rad. Sarajevo, glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), je jedan od urbanih centara u kome je kvaliteta zraka često niska zbog raširene upotrebe neobnovljivih izvora energije i zemljopisnog položaja. Na primjer, tijekom 2010. godine u Sarajevu je prosječna godišnja koncentracija čestične tvari sa diametrom manjim od 10 µm (eng. Particulate Matter, PM10) bila 50 µg/m3, vrijednost koja je 2.5 puta viša od preporučene vrijednosti WHO od 20 µg/m3. U Kantonu Sarajevo odvila se zimska kampanja mjerenja SAFICA (eng. Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2017-2018) tijekom hladnog zimskog perioda 2017–2018 (od 4. decembra 2017. do 15. marta 2018.), u periodu kada po podacima dostupnim iz prošlosti Kanton Sarajevo prolazi kroz epizode najgore kvalitete zraka. SAFICA projekt vodili su Federalni hidrometeorološki zavod BiH, Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajeva, Univerzitet u Sarajevu i Sveučilište u Rijeci, a mjerenja su se odvijala na tri urbane lokacije unutar grada Sarajeva (Otoka, Pofalići i Bjelave) i jednoj pozadinskoj (planinski prijevoj Ivan Sedlo). U ovom predavanju, objasnit će se osnove antropogenog zagađenja zraka i njegovog globalnog utjecaja na kvalitetu zraka. Posebna pažnja posvetit će se atmosferskim česticama ili aerosolima, i objasnit će se njihov nastanak i važnost karakteristika čestica poput atmosferske koncentracije, veličine i kemijskog sastava. Također, dat će se razlozi negativnog utjecaja čestica na ljudsko zdravlje i objasniti zašto su atmosferske koncentracije sitnih atmosferskih čestica (PM2.5) korelirane sa smrtnošću ljudi. Konačno, predstavit će se preliminarni rezultati mjerenja sastojaka atmosfere u kantonu Sarajevo tijekom SAFICA kampanje i usporedit sa rezultatima iz drugih urbanih područja u svijetu.
Keywords:Atmosferske lebdeće čestica, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Zagađenje zraka u gradovima, SAFICA 2018
