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Title:Analiza prodaje vzmetnic in postelj podjetja Meblo Jogi d.o.o. od leta 1995 do leta 2003
Authors:ID Martinuč, Miha (Author)
ID Bergant, Bogomil (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 515FBB094753C5BB2C904CED88931E77
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Podjetje Meblo Jogi je po razpadu bivše Jugoslavije skoraj v celoti izgubilo veliko južno tržišče z dvajset milijoni potencialnih relativno nezahtevnih kupcev. Izjema je bila Hrvaška, ker meji s Slovenijo in so zaradi tega transportni stroški najnižji. Ker jim domače že zasičeno tržišče ni omogočalo širitve in večjega dobička, je moralo podjetje prodajo širiti na druga (zahodna) trišča. Ugotovili smo, da se je prelom zgodil leta 1998, ko je prodaja na (večinoma zahodnem) tujem trgu presegla prodajo na domačem. Realizacija na domačem trgu je znašala priblino 760 mio SIT, na tujem trgu pa priblino 850 mio SIT. V naslednjih letih se tako prodaja na domačem trgu ni večala, prodaja na tujem, pa je narasla približno za 2 krat. Glavni državi uvoznici sta Italija in Avstrija. Izvažajo pa tudi na Poljsko, Češko, Ukrajino,Rusijo, Džibuti ter druge države. Prodaja v republike bivše Jugoslavijese od razpada še danes ni v celoti opomogla. Podjetje so razširili na novo lokacijo, izdelkom (vzmetnicam in posteljem) so povečali asortiman in dvignili kakovost ter zmanjšali stroške in čas izdelave. Pridobili so razne certifikate o kakovosti in ustreznosti. Tako smo posledično ugotovili, da je podjetju uspel velik podvig.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, vzmetnice, postelje, podjetje, preoblikovanje podjetja, prodaja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:M. Martinuč
Year of publishing:2005
Number of pages:XVIII, 61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-663 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:450043 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Abstract:After the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, company Meblo Jogi almost entierly lost the great south market with its twenty-million relatively undemanding potential costumers. Croatia was the exception, because it bordered with Slovenia, which minimised the costs of transport. The domestic market, already saturated, did not offer any possibilities for expanison and increment of profit, therefore the company had to expand its sales to other (western) markets. We established that the breakpoint was in 1998, when sales on (mostly western) foreign market topped domestic sales. Realisation on domestic market was around 760 mio SIT, and on the foreign market about 850 mio SIT. In the following years, domestic sales did not experience any increase, while foreign sales increased for aproximatley twice the initial value. The most significant countries of import are Italy and Austria. They also export to Poland, the Czheck Republic, Ukraine, Russia, and others countries. Sales to the republics of former Yugoslavia have not fully recovered yet. The company has been expanded to a new location, some products (matresses and beds) have been upgraded in assortiment and quality, while production costs and time for these products have decreased. They have been given various certificates of quality and compliance. As a consequence, we have established that this company had succeeded in making a great achievement.
