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Title:Literarno delo in njegov (implicitni) avtor : Vidika literarne vede in šolske prakse
Authors:ID Zajc, Ivana (Author)
ID Žbogar, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Virk, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Vlogo avtorja v literarnem delu najprej preverimo preko kontroverznega koncepta implicitni avtor, pri katerem najprej pokažemo njegovo genezo. Magistrsko delo vsebuje izvirno sintezo rekonceptualizacij implicitnega avtorja, ki je vsebinsko razvrščena glede na osnovne kazalnike: povezava z empiričnim avtorjem in antropomorfnost ter trije vidiki opredeljevanja: vidik literarne produkcije, vidik literarne recepcije, vidik literarnega dela kot fenomena. Ta razdelitev je nastala preko vsebinske analize večine sodobnih in izbranih ključnih starejših razprav na to temo. Sinteza omogoča, da razkrijemo osrednje anomalije teorij, med temi problematično težnjo k simultanemu definiranju vloge avtorja v literarnem delu za vse procese, ki so povezani s književnostjo, hkrati. Posebej izpostavimo tiste teorije, ki koncept opredeljujejo z vidika literarnega bralca: gre za bralčev konstrukt, ki nastane preko znotrajbesedilnih lastnosti in poznavanja zunajbesedilnih dejstev o empiričnem avtorju ter širših kontekstov nastanka literarnega dela, pa tudi kasnejše recepcije literarnega dela. Tako opredeljen koncept je temelj za razpravo o vlogi dejstev o empiričnem avtorju v šolski praksi, pri čemer temeljimo na pouku slovenščine na gimnazijah. Za integriranje znanja o zunajliterarnih kontekstih v znanje o samem literarnem delu je ključno kognitivno branje. Omogoča namreč povezovanje literarnega dela v širše (kulturno-, duhovnozgodovinske in druge) kontekste. Kognitivna naratologija opaža, da bralci besedilno strukturo pripišejo določenemu delovalniku, empirična raziskava literarnega branja z vidika predstav o literarnem avtorju pa kaže, da emotivnih spodbud pri bralcu ne sproža le vsebina literarnega dela, pač pa tudi poznavanje dejstev o implicitnem avtorju. Na temelju sistemske književnodidaktične paradigme z elementi recepcijske zagovarjamo, da temelji spoznavanje avtorja na teh osnovah. Učenčevo zanje o literarnem avtorju ne sme biti ločeno od drugih kontekstualnih elementov produkcije in kasnejše recepcije književnosti. Med temi elementi književnega znanja naj bodo vzročno-posledične in logične povezave, ki jih zagotavlja znanje z(a) razumevanje(m). Dosežemo ga s poukom, kjer je na prvem mestu komunikacija s književnostjo in v katerem usvajanje znanja poteka dejavno % problemsko. Dokument Evropski literarni okvir za učitelje v srednjih šolah (2012) pri spoznavanju sistema književnosti izhaja iz učenčevega zanimanja za literarnega avtorja. Literarna zmožnost, ki jo določa, je tesno speta s književnim znanjem, ki empiričnega avtorja locira v kompleks okoliščin, ki določajo produkcijo in kasnejšo recepcijo literarnega dela. Višje stopnje literarne zmožnosti terjajo problemske obravnave zunajbesedilnih dejstev o literarnem delu, v tesni navezavi s slednjim.
Keywords:literarna teorija, implicitni avtor, nakazani avtor, empirični avtor, didaktika književnosti, knjižna vzgoja, kognitivno branje, problemski pouk, magistrsko delo, bolonjski magisteriji
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:I. Zajc
Year of publishing:2016
Number of pages:161 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6900 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:61642850 New window
Publication date in RUNG:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The literary work and it's (implied) author : The views of literary science and school practice
Abstract:We check the role of the author in a literary work through the controversial concept of the implied author, in which we first check the establishment of it. This master's thesis contains an original synthesis of the reconceptualizations of the implied author, which is substantially classified in terms of basic indicators: the link between the empirical author and the personification and three other defining aspects: the aspect of literary production, the aspect of literary reception and the aspect of the literary work as a phenomenon. This division was created through a content analysis of the most modern and even of some older discussions on this topic. The synthesis allows to reveal the abnormalities in the central theories, one of these is the troublesome tendency to define the role of the author in a literary work simultaneously for all the processes that are associated with literature. We particularly expose the theories that are determined in terms of the literary reader: the implied author is a construct of the reader that occurs via intratextual characteristics and knowledge of the extratextual empirical facts about the author and the broader contexts of the emergence of a literary work, as well as the subsequent reception of the literary work. Thus defined concept is the basis for a discussion on the role of the empirical facts about the author in the school practice at the Slovene grammar schools. To integrate the knowledge of the contexts in the knowledge about the literary work itself is a key for cognitive reading. It enables the integration of the literary works in the broader (cultural and historical) contexts. Cognitive narratology notes that the readers of the text attribute the structure to a factor, the empirical study of literary reading in terms of performances of literary author shows that emotional stimulus for the reader not only raises the content of a literary work, but also the knowledge of the facts about the implied author. Based on the systemic paradigm of literature didactics the reception of literature advocates to meet the author. Pupils' knowledge of the literary author can not be separated from other contextual elements of the production and the subsequent reception of literature. These factors include literary knowledge to be causally and logically connected that provides the learning for understanding and learning by understanding. This is achieved by the classes where the first communication with literature and the acquisition of knowledge take place actively. The Literary framework for teachers in secondary education (2012) stems from a student's interest in literary author to get to know the system of literature. It provides a literary ability, which is closely coupled with literary knowledge that the empirical author locates in the complex circumstances that determine the production and subsequent reception of a literary work. Higher levels of literary abilities for solving a problem require the treatment of the extratextual facts about the literary work that is closely linked to the latter.
Keywords:literary theory, implied author, literary didactics, cognitive reading
