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Title:Carniolan savings bank and economic development of Carniola : dissertation
Authors:ID Hönig, Nataša (Author)
ID Lazarević, Žarko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
.pdf RAZ_Honig_Natasa_i2021.pdf (1,89 MB)
MD5: 2B4D55C240F50DACC8E7118D84F2EECD
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:The Carniolan Savings Bank was the first financial institution in the Slovenian territory. It was founded in 1820 in Ljubljana, the capital city of Carniola, a province in the Austrian part of the Habsburg Monarchy. This institution collected deposits and managed the credit operations in the country. Even after the basic idea changed due to business development, it continued to play a significant role as a microfinance provider. The thesis covers the period from the establishment of the institution in 1820 to the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918. Therefore, the study also deals with the main features of the interwar period. It draws attention to some issues faced by the Savings Bank between 1918 and 1945. The dissertation defines the importance and dimensions of innovation in the institutional sense that the Savings Bank acquired. It defines the role that the institution had in an economic, social, political and national context. This has been achieved through in-depth analysis and a classic historical approach. The dissertation provides an original study of the extensive and unexplored historical material. The Carniolan Savings Bank provides an excellent example of the intertwining of politics and nationalism with economic development. It had a significant impact on the changes that were a prerequisite for mobilising the financial resources of social classes that previously had no access to banking services. Therefore, the Savings Bank collected dispersed financial resources on the financial market by allocating capital to various investment opportunities. The most prominent were mortgage loans and the purchase of government securities. However, the rules in place at the state level limited the importance of the Savings Bank to the regional and especially the local level, reflecting its impact on the country’s economic development. Accordingly, it sought ways to get involved, as evidenced by Credit Association that was used by small merchants and craftsmen.
Keywords:Carniolan Savings Bank, deposits, credit activity, microfinance, investments, economic nationalism, Habsburg Monarchy, the Province of Carniola
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:N. Henig Miščič
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:251 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7013 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:92332035 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Kranjska hranilnica in gospodarski razvoj Kranjske : disertacija
Abstract:Kranjska hranilnica je bila prvi finančni zavod na slovenskem ozemlju. Ustanovljena je bila leta 1820 v Ljubljani, glavnem mestu Kranjske, dežele v avstrijskem delu Habsburške monarhije. Hranilnica je zbirala vloge in vodila kreditno poslovanje v deželi. Čeprav se je oddaljila od osnovna ideja zaradi razvoja, je še naprej imela izjemno pomembno vlogo, ki jo je opravljala kot posrednica na polju mikrofinanc. Doktorska naloga zajema obdobje od ustanovitve zavoda leta 1820 do razpada Avstro-Ogrske monarhije leta 1918. Poleg tega študija obravnava tudi nekatere značilnosti medvojnega obdobja. Opozarja na vprašanja, s katerimi se je hranilnica soočala med letoma 1918 in 1945. V disertaciji so opredeljeni pomen in razsežnosti inovativnosti v institucionalnem smislu, ki jih je hranilnica prinesla. Poleg tega je določena vloga hranilnice v gospodarskem, socialnem, političnem in nacionalnem okviru, kar sta omogočila poglobljena analiza in klasični zgodovinski pristop pri raziskavi. Disertacija ponuja izvirno študijo obsežnega in do sedaj neraziskanega arhivskega gradiva. Kranjska hranilnica predstavlja zelo nazoren primer, v katerem je prišlo do prepletanja politike in nacionalizma z gospodarskim razvojem. Pomembno je vplival na spremembe, ki so bile predpogoj za mobilizacijo finančnih virov družbenih slojev, ki prej niso imeli dostopa do bančnih storitev. Hranilnica je zato na finančnem trgu zbirala razpršena finančna sredstva z razporejanjem kapitala za različne naložbene priložnosti. Najvidnejša so bila hipotekarna posojila in nakup državnih vrednostnih papirjev. Vendar so veljavna pravila na državni ravni omejila pomen hranilnice na regionalno ter zlasti lokalno raven, kar se je tudi odražalo na njeno vlogo v gospodarskem razvoju dežele. V skladu s pravili je iskala načine za večjo vpletenost o čem priča Kreditno društvo, katero so večinoma koristili trgovci in obrtniki.
Keywords:Kranjska hranilnica, depoziti, kreditna aktivnost, mikrofinance, naložbe, ekonomski nacionalizem, Habsburška monarhija, dežela Kranjska, disertacije
