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Title:Monitoring the success of the performance of a travel agency with the Power BI tool : diploma thesis
Authors:ID Ristov, Riste (Author)
ID Ivanovska, Aneta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Riste_Ristov.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: 24C48A50E953CD655CCEC143A382CE10
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:In today’s times, when digitalisation is advancing in all areas, travel agencies need to follow trends to optimise their work as much as possible and stay competitive. Business information systems provide a more detailed insight into business processes and their operation, which helps monitor progress and adapt to possible changes to achieve the best results in the business world. Travel agencies need a quality business information system that helps employees shift from using basic office tools to more modern and effective systems for reporting and monitoring work performance. Data is the basis on which agencies adjust, optimise and build their business. Data is available in huge quantities and a variety of formats. Raw data that is not organised into a meaningful whole cannot bring added value to the company. The thesis aims to use Power BI as a tool for editing and integrating databases in travel agencies, as well as their visualisation and display, which is understandable for the user. With the help of the tool, we will create a report which will help the travel agency improve its business and make critical decisions that are critical for success.
Keywords:Travel agency, business information system, data, database, Power BI, visualisation
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:R. Ristov
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VII, 385 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-7605 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:123711747 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Spremljanje uspešnosti delovanja turistične agencije z orodjem Power BI
Abstract:V današnjih časih, ko digitalizacija na vseh področjih napreduje, morajo turistične agencije slediti trendom da lahko čim bolj optimizirajo svoje poslovanje in tako ostanejo konkurenčne. Poslovno-informacijski sistemi omogočajo podrobnejši vpogled v poslovne procese in njihovo delovanje, kar pomaga sledenju napredka in prilagajanju morebitnim spremembam, da bi lahko dosegli čim boljše rezultate v poslovnem svetu. Turistične agencije potrebujejo kvaliteten poslovni informacijski sistem, ki zaposlenim pomaga pri prehodu z osnovnih pisarniških orodij na sodobnejše in učinkovitejše sisteme za poročanje in spremljanje delovne uspešnosti. Podatki so osnova na kateri agencije prilagajajo, optimizirajo in gradijo svoj posel. Na voljo so v ogromnih količinah in v različnih oblikah. Neobdelani podatki, ki niso organizirani v neko smisleno celoto, ne morejo prinašati dodane vrednosti podjetju. Cilj diplomske naloge je uporabiti Power BI kot orodje za urejanje in integracijo podatkovnih baz v turistični agenciji, ter njihovo vizualizacijo in prikaz, ki je razumljiv za uporabnika. S pomočjo orodja bomo ustvarili poročilo kar bo pomagalo turustični agenciji izboljšati svoj posel in sprejemati pomembne odločitve, ki so bistvene za uspeh.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, turistične agencije, poslovno-informacijski sistemi, podatki, podatkovne baze, Power BI, vizualizacija
