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Title:Primerjalna analiza proizvodnje kompaktnih prezračevalnih naprav : Diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mavri, Matija (Author)
Files:.pdf Matija_Mavri.pdf (822,85 KB)
MD5: 6221EFC94B34350941A17E23EFECCAB4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je nastalo v sodelovanju z dvema sestrskima podjetjema, ki se ukvarjata s proizvodnjo prezračevalnih naprav in drugih naprednih tehnoloških rešitev za prezračevanje. Teoretični del diplomskega dela opisuje prezračevalne naprave, njihovo delovanje in funkcijske enote, ki so ključne za delovanje prezračevalnih naprav. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela pa sta predstavljena proizvodna postopka kompaktnih prezračevalnih naprav v obeh podjetjih ter njuna medsebojna primerjava. Prikazana je tudi primerjava cen izdelave primerjanih prezračevalnih naprav. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je proizvodni postopek prezračevalne naprave v podjetju A dražji za 20 % v primerjavi s proizvodnim postopkom prezračevalne naprave v podjetju B, kar je predvsem posledica cenejšega uporabljenega materiala in manjšega števila porabljenih delovnih ur. Glavno razliko predstavlja izdelava ohišja in izolirnih plošč. S tehničnega vidika je prednost prezračevalne naprave podjetja A v uporabljenem izolacijskem materialu v izolirnih ploščah, ki spada v najvišjo ognjevarno stopnjo A1, medtem ko izolacija prezračevalnih naprav podjetja B spada v najnižjo ognjevarno stopnjo F. Za nadaljnjo proizvodnjo je tako primernejša prezračevalna naprava podjetja B, kjer pa je pri izdelavi izolirnih plošč potrebna sprememba izbire predbarvane pločevine in kamene volne.
Keywords:prezračevalna naprava, toplotni izmenjevalec, proizvodni postopek, primerjava
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8104 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:153543171 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The production of the compact air handling units: a comparative analysis
Abstract:This graduate thesis was created in cooperation with a joint venture of two companies engaged in producing ventilation devices and other advanced technological solutions for ventilation. The first part of the thesis describes ventilation devices, their operations, and the functional units that are essential for their operation. In the research part of the thesis, the production processes of compact ventilation devices in both companies are presented and compared. A comparison of the production prices for both companies is also presented. The main results clearly show that the production process of the compact air handling units in Company A is 20% more expensive than in Company B, mainly due to the cheaper material and fewer working hours needed for production. The main difference is in the production of the casing and insulating panels. In terms of technical advantages, the air-handling unit of Company A uses insulation material with the highest fire protection level (A1), while the insulation of the air-handling unit of Company B has the lowest fire protection level (F). In summary, the air-handling unit of Company B is more suitable for further production, but it would require changes in the pre-painted metal sheets and stone wool used for the production of insulation boards.
Keywords:air-handling unit, heat exchanger, manufacturing process, comparison
