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Title:Advantages and disadvantages of Serbian market for exporting “Vinag 1847” wines
Authors:ID Milivojević, Ivana (Author)
ID Penco, Pierpaolo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - School for Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:This study investigates the main advantages and disadvantages of the Serbian market as a potential market for the import of Slovenian wines, more specifically, the wines from the wine cellar “Vinag 1847”. Structured interviews were conducted with four participants from different Serbian wine sectors regarding the current wine trends and how the Slovenian wines are presented on the market. Furthermore, the quantitative analysis was performed during the Belgrade Wine Salon in the form of a questionnaire, and it was answered by 60 randomly picked visitors who tasted the wines at the “Vinag 1847” exhibition table. They answered the questions about their personal buying behaviour and evaluated the selected “Vinag 1847” wine offer which was presented at the wine salon. The participants of the quantitative and qualitative analysis have pointed out that Serbian market is expanding, and its wine culture has been evolving, together with the new generations, in new ways. The main advantages are at the same time also the disadvantages of the market which is still in the process of manifestation. With a wide local and regional wine offer and the customer base whose interest in the new wines both from Serbia and abroad has been increasing, Serbia is evaluated as the challenging country for the wine export industry.
Keywords:wine, Serbian market, Vinag 1847, foreign exchange
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8265 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:158852099 New window
Publication date in RUNG:14.07.2023
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Licensing start date:20.06.2023

Secondary language

Title:Advantages and disadvantages of Serbian market for exporting “Vinag 1847” wines
Abstract:Ta študija raziskuje glavne prednosti in slabosti srbskega trga kot potencialnega trga za uvoz slovenskih vin, natančneje vin iz vinske kleti „Vinag 1847“. Opravljeni so bili strukturirani intervjuji s 4 udeleženci iz različnih srbskih vinskih sektorjev glede trenutnih vinskih trendov in kako slovenska vina se predstavljajo na trgu. Poleg tega je bila kvantitativna analiza opravljena v okviru Beograjskega salona vina v obliki vprašalnika, na katero je odgovorilo 60 naključno izbranih obiskovalcev, ki so vina degustirali na razstavni mizi „Vinag 1847“. Odgovarjali so na vprašanja o osebnem nakupnem vedenju in ocenjevali izbrano ponudbo vin „Vinag 1847“, ki je bila predstavljena na salonu vin. Udeleženci kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize so poudarili, da se srbski trg širi, vinska kultura pa se skupaj z novimi generacijami razvija na nove načine. Glavne prednosti so hkrati tudi slabosti trga, ki je še v nastajanju. S široko ponudbo lokalnih in regionalnih vin ter bazo kupcev, katerih zanimanje za nova vina iz Srbije in tujine narašča, je Srbija ocenjena kot država z izzivi za industrijo izvoza vina.
Keywords:vino, srbski trg, Vinag 1847, razmenjava blaga
