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Title:Priložnosti za mlade ustvarjalce animiranih filmov v Evropi
Authors:ID Reja, Miha (Author)
ID Saksida, Kolja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na tri dele. Prvi del opisuje priložnosti, kot so delavnice in umetniške rezidence za mlade ustvarjalce na področju animiranega filma v Evropi. V tem delu bom razjasnil pomen delavnic in umetniških rezidenc ter njun namen. Predstavil bom primere delavnic in rezidenc, katerih sem se udeležil, ter vključil lastno refleksijo. Poudaril bom delavnico DSAF Inkubator, Animation Sans Frontières, CEE Rise & Shine ter scenaristično delavnico Kratka Scena. Prvi del bom zaključil s predstavitvijo umetniške rezidence Open Workshop. V drugem delu se bom poglobil v filmske festivale in animacijske forume. To so izkušnje, ki so predvsem osredotočene na mreženje. Predstavil bom dva največja animacijska foruma v Evropi, CEE Animation Forum in Cartoon Forum. Sledila bo predstavitev svetovno znanih festivalov animiranega filma, kot sta Annecy in Animafest Zagreb, ter festivalov v Sloveniji, kot sta Animateka in StopTrik. Poglavje o festivalih se zaključi z omembo ostalih pomembnih festivalov v Evropi. V tretjem delu se bom osredotočil na praktični del diplomskega dela, kratki animirani film Kurent. To poglavje je razdeljeno na štiri dele: predprodukcijo, produkcijo, postprodukcijo in dosežke. V predprodukciji bom razjasnil, od kod izhaja ideja. V produkciji se bom poglobil v ustvarjalni proces filma. V postprodukciji bom predstavil sodelovanje z dvema postprodukcijskima hišama (NuFrame in Zvokarna). Nalogo bom zaključil z dosežki filma. S tem bom povezal vse tri dele in tvoril celoto.
Keywords:Animacija, animirani film, delavnica, umetniška rezidenca, festival, animacijski forum, razvoj filma
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8402 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:165012483 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.09.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:08.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:Opportunities for young authors of animated films in Europe
Abstract:The diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The first part describes opportunities such as workshops and artistic residencies for young creators in the field of animated film in Europe. In this section, I will clarify the significance of workshops and artistic residencies, as well as their purpose. I will present workshops and residencies in which I have participated and include personal reflections. I will highlight the DSAF Inkubator workshop, Animation Sans Frontières, CEE Rise & Shine, and a screenwriting workshop Kratka Scena. The first part will conclude with the presentation of the Open Workshop artistic residency. In the second part I will delve into film festivals and animation forums, experiences primarily focused on networking. I will introduce the two largest animation forums in Europe, CEE Animation Forum and Cartoon Forum, followed by the presentation of globally renowned animated film festivals, such as Annecy and Animafest Zagreb, as well as festivals in Slovenia, such as Animateka and StopTrik. The chapter on festivals concludes with a mention of other important festivals in Europe. In the third part, I will focus on the practical aspect of the thesis, the short animated film Kurent. This chapter is divided into four parts: pre-production, production, post-production, and achievements. I will begin with pre-production, where I will explain the origin of the idea. In production, I will explore the creative process of the film. In post-production, I will present collaborations with two post-production studios (NuFrame and Zvokarna). The thesis will conclude with the achievements of the film. This will connect all three parts and form a comprehensive whole.
Keywords:Animation, animated film, workshop, artistic residency, festival, animation forum, film development
