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Title:Prispevek zunanjih in notranjih virov ogljičnih delcev v različnih tipih stanovanjskih stavb : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Levičnik, Klemen (Author)
ID Gregorič, Asta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Klemen_Levicnik.pdf (3,23 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Ogljični delci (del PM2,5) pomembno vplivajo na kakovost zraka. Sestavljeni so iz dveh frakcij, črnega ogljika (BC) in organskih delcev in so v večji meri posledica človeških aktivnosti, saj nastajajo pri nepopolnem zgorevanju ogljičnih goriv. Glede na optične lastnosti ločimo črni ogljik (BC), ki najbolj efektivno absorbira svetlobo preko celotnega spektra, in rjavi ogljik (BrC), ki absorbira v UV in modrem delu spektra. Kakovost zraka v notranjih prostorih zavisi od infiltracije delcev iz zunanjega zraka in notranjih virov. V kurilnih sezonah med leti 2021 in 2023 smo na jugovzhodnem delu Ljubljanske kotline merili koncentracije BC v zunanjem in notranjem zraku v treh različnih stanovanjskih stavbah (Novogradnja – NG, Kmečka hiša – KH, Povprečna hiša – SV) in na podlagi optičnih lastnosti določili delež BC iz prometa (%BCFF) in zgorevanja lesa (%BCWB). Preko sočasnih meritev CO2 smo ocenili tesnost stavbnega ovoja. Ugotovili smo, da kurjenje lesa v hladnejših mesecih pomembno vpliva na kakovost zunanjega zraka. Največjo tesnost stavbnega ovoja smo pričakovali pri NG, kjer sklepamo, da onesnažila v stavbo prihajajo preko rekuperacijskega sistema. Kljub temu smo v NG zabeležili najnižje povprečne urne koncentracije BC v notranjem zraku (1 µg/m3, 40 % BC glede na koncentracije v zunanjem zraku). Največjo tesnost stavbnega ovoja smo izmerili pri SV, kjer smo v prvem obdobju zabeležili 1 µg/m3 BC (60 % glede na zunanji zrak) in 1,7 µg/m3 (20 %) v drugem obdobju. Najvišje koncentracije BC smo izmerili v kmečki hiši (4 µg/m3 - 10 % in 2,8 µg/m3 - 60 %), kjer so višje koncentracije posledica slabe tesnosti stavbnega ovoja in prisotnosti intenzivnih notranjih virov delcev. Za vzdrževanje kakovosti zraka v stavbah odsvetujemo uporabo zastarelih kurilnih naprav, priporočeno pa je zračenje okoli poldneva, ko so zunanje koncentracije najnižje. Pri starejših stavbah je smiselna zamenjava dotrajanih oken in vrat, kar bi zmanjšalo potrebo po ogrevanju, pri novogradnjah z rekuperacijskim sistemom pa je smiselno poskrbeti za ustrezno filtriranje zunanjega zraka.
Keywords:ogljični aerosoli, črni ogljik, stanovanjske stavbe, viri onesnaženja, zrakotesnost, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:K. Levičnik
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:XI, 49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8498 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:184604163 New window
Publication date in RUNG:09.02.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:30.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:Contribution of external and internal sources of carbonaceous aerosols in different types of residential buildings
Abstract:Carbonaceous aerosols (part of PM2,5) significantly impact air quality. They consist of two fractions, black carbon (BC), and organic aerosol, and are largely a result of anthropogenic activities, as they are formed during incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels. Based on optical properties, we distinguish between black carbon (BC), which efficiently absorbs light across the entire spectrum, and brown carbon (BrC), which absorbs in the UV and blue part of the spectrum. The quality of indoor air depends on the infiltration of particles from outdoor air and indoor sources. During the heating seasons between 2021 and 2023, we measured BC concentrations simultaneously in outdoor and indoor air in the southeastern part of the Ljubljana basin in three different residential buildings (New construction - NG, Farmhouse - KH, Average house - SV) using optical methods. We determined the contribution of BC from fossil fuel (%BCFF) and wood combustion (%BCWB) based on optical properties. Through simultaneous CO2 measurements, we assessed the airtightness of the building envelope. We found that wood burning in colder months significantly affects outdoor air quality. We expected the highest airtightness of the building envelope in NG, where it was found that pollutants enter the building through recuperation system. Nevertheless, in NG, we recorded the lowest average hourly BC concentrations in indoor air (1 µg/m3, 40 % of outdoor BC concentrations). The highest airtightness of the building envelope was measured in SV, where we recorded 1 µg/m3 BC (60 % of outdoor BC) in the first period and 1,7 µg/m3 (20 % of outdoor BC) in the second period. The highest BC concentrations were measured in the farmhouse (4 µg/m3 – 10% outdoor BC and 2,8 µg/m3 – 60 % outdoor BC), where higher concentrations are due to poor building envelope airtightness and the presence of intense indoor aerosol sources. To maintain indoor air quality in buildings, we advise against using outdated heating devices and recommend ventilation around noon when outdoor concentrations are lowest. For older buildings, we recommend replacing deteriorated windows and doors, which would reduce the heating demand, while for new constructions with a ventilation system, it is advisable to ensure proper filtration of outdoor air.
Keywords:carbonaceous aerosols, black carbon, residential buildings, sources of pollution, airtightness
