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Title:Analiza pomenov lobanje v umetnosti in vizualni kulturi
Authors:ID Karner, Nika (Author)
ID Fabjančič, Milanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Saksida, Kolja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi se posvečam semiotični analizi filma s poudarkom na različnih pomenih znaka lobanje. Slednja simbolizira središčni element v kratkem animiranem filmu Naglodane kosti (2022). Semiotika je veda, ki se ukvarja z znaki, ki pa so ključni gradniki filmske komunikacije. Moj teoretični prispevek temelji na predstavitvi glavnih tem semiotike ter bolj specifično pomena lobanje v animiranem filmu. V ta namen sem se opirala na konkretne primere iz animiranih filmov ter na lastno diplomsko delo. Lobanja, ki se pojavlja kot vizualni element glavnega lika in antagonista Rema, nosi v našem kontekstu poseben pomen. Gre za lobanjo ovna, ki simbolizira demona ter prinaša asociacije na smrt. Lobanja prav tako nosi negativno energijo, ki se povezuje z likom.Namen diplome je prikazati kronološki razvoj uporabe lobanje v umetnosti. Hkrati pa me zanima, ali je lobanja vedno povezana zgolj s smrtjo in negativnimi čustvi. Kateri so drugi razlogi za uporabo lobanje in kako lahko razumemo ter tolmačimo njene druge plati, ob dejstvu, da je že od samega začetka človeštvo lobanjo povezovalo s smrtjo in uničenjem.
Keywords:Semiotika, znak, simbol, simbolizem, smrtnost, lobanja, animirani film
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8550 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:171407619 New window
Publication date in RUNG:09.11.2023
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Licensing start date:05.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:An analysis of meanings of the skull in art and visual culture
Abstract:In the scope of my thesis, I focus on researching semiotics in animated films, with an emphasis on the semiotics of the skull and its various semantic aspects. The skull symbolizes a central element in my short animated film "A bone to pick with" (2022). Semiotics itself deals with the analysis of signs and symbols that are essential components of film communication. My theoretical contribution is based on exploring general concepts of semiotics, and more specifically, the semiotics of the skull in animated film. To achieve this, I drew upon specific examples from animated films and my own thesis work. In our context, the skull, appearing as a visual element on the main character and antagonist, Rem, carries a special meaning. It represents the skull of a ram, symbolizing a demon and evoking associations with death. The skull also carries negative energy associated with the character.My research is grounded in the theoretical framework of semiotics, with a particular focus on the skull and its less common meanings. Consequently, I aim to explore the chronological development of the use of the skull in art. Nevertheless, I am intrigued to investigate whether the skull is always connected solely to death and negative emotions. What are other reasons for the use of the skull, and how can we understand and interpret its other facets, considering that humanity has associated the skull with death and destruction from its very beggining?
Keywords:Semiotics, sign, symbol, symbolism, mortality, skull, animated film
