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Title:Promoting the use of open educational resources to improve teaching and learning of science subjects in secondary schools in Tanzania : master's thesis
Authors:ID Ngeze, Lucian Vumilia (Author)
ID Amiel, Tel (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: CFF53EE250C975B08F423DE3DEF9F466
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:A number of challenges have hindered the integration of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in schools from developing countries. The rate of adoption of OERs in teaching and learning in schools in Tanzania is low. This research focused on capacity of secondary school science teachers on creating and adapting open educational resources to improve the teaching and learning of science subjects. The research used a Design-based Research methodology to achieve research objectives. Results show that challenges such as lack of ICT devices, poor Internet connection, network accessibility issues, unstable power supply and large class sizes hindered the integration of OER in the teaching of science subjects. As teachers created OERs, they stated factors such as levels of the learners, developing engaging content, simple and self-explanatory content, alignment with learning objectives and relevancy of OER as initial considerations they considered when creating OERs. It was important to investigate the change in teachers’ attitude towards the use of OER in teaching science subjects OER creation ability, OER in teaching, teaching improvements, increased teaching resources, and application of skills. It was concluded that regular teacher professional development programmes must be set to support school teachers in using OERs to improve teaching and learning and in creating OER for teaching. Engaging with relevant government bodies is encouraged to ensure that more teachers are involved in such developed online courses.
Keywords:Open Educational Resources, OER in Teaching and Learning, Online Courses, Design Based Research
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:L. V. Ngeze
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:XII, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8599 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:203523331 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.08.2024
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Licensing start date:23.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:Promocija uporabe odprtih izobraževalnih virov za izboljšanje poučevanja in učenja znanstvenih predmetov v srednjih šolah v Tanzaniji
Abstract:Integracijo odprtih izobraževalnih virov (angleško: open educational resources, OER) v šolah v državah v razvoju zavira vrsta izzivov. Stopnja uporabe OER pri poučevanju in učenju v šolah v Tanzaniji je nizka. Ta raziskava se osredotoča na sposobnost srednješolskih učiteljev naravoslovja za ustvarjanje in prilagajanje odprtih izobraževalnih virov za izboljšanje poučevanja in učenja naravoslovnih predmetov. V raziskavi je bila za dosego raziskovalnih ciljev uporabljena metodologija raziskovanja, ki temelji na načrtovanju. Rezultati kažejo, da integracijo OER v pouk znanstvenih predmetov ovirajo naslednje teževe: pomanjkanje informacijskih, komunikacijskih in tehnoloških naprav, slaba internetna povezava, težave z dostopnostjo omrežja, negotova energetska oskrba ter velika skupina učencev. V procesu ustvarjanja OER so učitelji navajali naslednje: razred učencev, razvijanje zanimive vsebine, enostavna in jasna vsebina, usklajevanje s cilji učenja ter pomembnost OER; to so bila začetna razmišljanja v procesu ustvarjanja OER. Pomembno je bilo raziskati spremembo v stališču učiteljev glede uporabe OER v poučevanju znanstvenih predmetov glede kreativnosti pri ustvarjanju OER, izboljšanja pouka, večjega števila virov pri pouku ter uporabe veščin. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je treba vzpostaviti redne programe strokovnega izpopolnjevanja učiteljev za podporo šolskim učiteljem pri uporabi OER za izboljšanje poučevanja in učenja ter pri ustvarjanju OER za poučevanje. Priporoča se tudi sodelovanje z relevantnimi deležniki, da bi bilo čim večje število učiteljev vključeno v tako razvite tečaje na daljavo.
Keywords:odprti izobraževalni viri, pouk, učenje, online tečaji, raziskave, napredek v izobraževanju, Tanzanija, magistrske naloge
