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Title:// Crypto-Minding: postindustrijski podatkovni aktivizem : PostMobilnost; GO!2025 Evropska prestolnica kulture
Authors:ID Purg, Peter, Univerza v Novi Gorici (Exhibitor)
ID Zafiris, Marina, Cornell University (Author)
ID Csikszentmihalyi, Christopher, Cornell University (Author)
Files:.pdf Crypto-Minding_flyer-2.pdf (134,40 KB)
MD5: A19AEDFFC031F25C14E92EC5A079418F
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:3.12 - Exhibition
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:// Stoletje obsedene industrializacije nam je širom zemeljske oble zapustilo obilico poceni energije, zemljišč in infrastrukture. Naraščajoči val »kripto-podjetnikov« spreminja odpisane industrijske prostore v objekte za »kripto rudarjenje«, neskončne algoritme poganjajo fosilna goriva in pri tem ustvarjajo vprašljivo vrednost. Razstava prikaže različne računalniške tehnike za sodelovanje in skrb v prizadeti skupnosti ter okolici elektrarne Greenidge Bitcoin Mining na jezeru Seneca v zvezni državi New York, ZDA. Predstavljene bodo umetniško-aktivistične intervencije v javno mnenje in taktike protinadzora, ter problematika toplotnega onesnaževanja voda. Gre za preizpraševanje proizvodnje javno dostopnega znanja in soustvarjanje računalniško podprtih orodjarn za radikalno družbeno organiziranje in politično komunikacijo. / Ob otvoritvi razstave postrežemo s pašteto soške postrvi spodnjega toka. // Tradicionalne, rodovne in današnje dežele ljudstva Gayogohó:nǫˀ iz konfederacije Haudenosaunee [ZDA] // Avtorji: Marina Zafiris Owen Marshall Steve Jackson Joseph Ferdinando Christopher Csikszentmihalyi Emma Chase Jordan Aceto // Zahvala Čuvaju jezera Seneca in Centru za trajnost Cornell Atkinson
Keywords:artivizem, skupnost, art+sci, kriptokapitalizem, kripto, ekologija, ekokritika
Place of performance:xCenter, Nova Gorica, 26.10. – 11.11.2023
Year of performance:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8609 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:170142723 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Crypto-Minding: Post-industrial Data-Activism : PostMobility, GO2025, European capital of culture
Abstract:A century of manic industrialization has left us with ample cheap energy, real estate, and infrastructure around the world. A growing wave of “crypto-entrepreneurs” have been converting decommissioned industrial spaces into “crypto mining” facilities, burning carbon-based fuels to solve endless algorithms and create dubious value. This showcase highlights various computational techniques to engage with and address community concerns surrounding the externalized impacts of the Greenidge Bitcoin Mining power plant on Seneca Lake in New York state. Through specific interventions into questions regarding public sentiment, counter-surveillance, and thermal water pollution. This is about exploring not only the production of public knowledge but also how to co-create computer-assisted repertoires of contention for radical social organizing and political communication. / Downstream Soča trout pate to be served at the exhibition opening. Traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of the Gayogohó:nǫˀ Nation, of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy [USA] Authors: Marina Zafiris Owen Marshall Steve Jackson Joseph Ferdinando Christopher Csikszentmihalyi Emma Chase Jordan Aceto With thanks to Seneca Lake Guardian & the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Keywords:artivism, community, art+sci, cryptocapitalism, crypto, ecology, ecocriticism
