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Title:The ideal woman: As seen through the turbo-folk music genre in Serbia and the ex-Yugoslav region
Authors:ID Savić, Una (Author)
ID Fabjančič, Milanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:The purpose of this work is to research the (self)representation of women as a sociocultural and political phenomenon through the popular media in the ex-Yugoslav region from the 1990s to today (2023). The key research point will be Turbo-folk - the dominant musical expression of contemporary Serbian society. The construction of the ˝ideal woman˝ is seen in the early stages of the genre and can be defined through the observation of its first prominent representatives. The society‟s attitude towards women becomes apparent by analyzing popular media outlets, which had the establishment of gender roles as one of their imperatives, while at the same time scrutinizing female perfomers through sexist and obscene tabloid articles. Through careful research, it becomes evident that women are used as a tool for promoting a certain idealogy and gender-desirable behaviour through their media presence. Alternatively, the unbothered women of turbo-folk play along to secure personal capital but eventually re-invent themselves as self-sufficient women who resist the derogatory value system that the genre represents. Such instances are observed and analyzied with the goal of determining the position, role and influence of the genre‟s leading performers and dismantling the archetype of the ˝female singer˝. The encouraged gender-desirable behaviour, promoted through the ˝icons˝ of turbo folk will be studied and used in the construction of my graduation film protagonist.
Keywords:Turbo-folk, Balkan, Svetlana Raţnatović (Ceca), patriarchy
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8665-c1bfd47c-c3a2-8572-33dd-34735ea08864 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:174471427 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.12.2023
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License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.
Licensing start date:30.11.2023

Secondary language

Title:Idealna ženska: skozi glasbeni žanr turbo-folk v Srbiji in na območju bivše Jugoslavije
Abstract:Namen dela je raziskati (samo)opredelitev žensk kot družbeno-kulturni in politični fenomen skozi popularne medije na območju držav bivše Jugoslavije od leta 1990 do danes (2023). Ključni fenomen raziskave bo “Turbo-folk” – dominantni način glasbenega izražanja v sodobni srbski kulturi. Konstrukcija “idealne ženske” je zaznana v zgodnjih obdobjih ţanra in je lahko definirana skozi opazovanje prvih pomembnih predstavnic. Družbeni odnos do žensk je razviden iz analize popularnih medijev, ki so uveljavili vloge spolov kot obvezujoče s temeljitim preučevanjem umetnice ţenskega spola skozi seksistične in vulgarne članke rumenega tiska. Skozi natančno raziskavo je postalo jasno, da so ženske uporabljene kot predmet za promocijo določenega ideološko in spolno zaţelenega obnašanja skozi prisotnost v medijih. Hkrati pa sicer neobremenjene ženske turbo-folka vseeno sledijo temu vplivu, da bi zaščitile svoj osebni kapital, vendar se slej kot prej preobrazijo v samozadostne ženske, ki se upirajo zaničljivemu vrednostnemu sistemu, ki ga žanr predstavlja. Takšne primere opažam in analiziram z namenom določanja položaja, vloge in vpliva glavnih umetnic žanra - z namenom prikazovanja arhetipa “ženske pevke”. Obče spodbujano in spolno zaželeno obnašanje, promovirano skozi “ikone” turbo-folka, bodo raziskane in uporabljene v izdelavi protagonistke mojega zaključnega dela.
Keywords:Turbo-folk, Balkan, Svetlana Raţnatović (Ceca), patriarhat
