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Title:Optimizacija prezračevalnega sistema komunalne čistilne naprave z energetsko, ekonomsko ter okoljsko analizo projekta : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Braz, Uroš (Author)
ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Čistilne naprave za čiščenje komunalnih odpadnih vod čistijo odpadne vode do stopnje, ki je primerna za izpust v okolje. To počnemo na različne načine, eden izmed njih je čiščenje s pomočjo vnosa zraka, kjer pri tem posnemamo naravo, le da so ti postopki bolj intenzivni. Pri vnosu zraka v prezračevalne bazene čistilne naprave se poslužujemo različnih puhal ter mešal, vedno pa imamo pred očmi maksimalni čistilni učinek ob najmanjših obratovalnih stroških. Kot smo pokazali v tem magistrskem delu, predstavlja prezračevanje skoraj 2/3 vseh energijskih potreb čistilne naprave, zato je v današnjem času ob naraščanju cen energentov ter vsestranskih prizadevanjih po zmanjšanju porabe energije še toliko bolj pomembna pravilna izbira načina vnosa zraka v prezračevalne bazene čistilne naprave. Pri načrtovanju čistilnih naprav si želimo doseči čim večji učinek čiščenja, čistilna naprava pa naj obratuje ob čim manjših stroških. Izkaže se, da kljub preverjenim metodam čiščenja v praksi zaradi napačnih odločitev pri načrtovanju vedno ne dosegamo zgornjih ciljev. V zaključnem delu magistrskega dela smo pokazali, kako s pravilno izbiro in načrtovanjem tehnološke opreme zmanjšamo stroške obratovanja ter izboljšamo delovanje komunalne čistilne naprave. Investicijo smo s pomočjo dinamičnih metod ocenili z ekonomskega vidika. Izvedli smo meritve raztopljenega kisika ter porabe energije. Investicijo smo ovrednotili z okoljskega stališča z izračunom zmanjšanja izpustov toplogrednih plinov ter vzorčenjem in analizo odpadne ter očiščene vode pred in po zamenjavi prezračevalnega sistema.
Keywords:čiščenje odpadnih vod, čistilne naprave, difuzorji, prenos kisika, prezračevanje, prezračevalniki, magistrske naloge
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:U. Braz
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:XVI, 87 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8706 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197817603 New window
Publication date in RUNG:05.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Municipal wastewater treatment plant aeration system optimization with energy, economic and environmental analysis of the projec
Abstract:Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTP) treat wastewater to a level that is suitable for the release into the environment. We can achieve this in different ways, one of them is being cleaning with the help of air-oxygen imitating nature but with in more intensive way. When we clean water with the use of oxygen and different types of aerators and blowers, we should always bear in mind the biggest efficiency of cleaning at minimal operating costs. As we will show in this master thesis, aeration represents as much as 2/3 of all energy needs, so with rising energy prices and today's widespread energy consumption lowering efforts, it is even more important to choose the right ways to transfer oxygen to municipal wastewater treatment plants aeration basins. When planning treatment plants, we want to achieve the maximal cleaning effect, and a municipal wastewater treatment plant should operate at the lowest possible costs. It turns out that despite proven cleaning methods, in practice, due to wrong planning decisions, we sometimes fail to achieve the above goals. The final part of the master's degree deals with the correct selection and planning of technological equipment can reduce operating costs and improve the performance of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The investment has been evaluated from the economic point of view using dynamic methods. Measurements of dissolved oxygen and energy consumption have been taken. An evaluation of the investment from an environmental point of view by calculating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and analyzing the cleaned water before and after replacing the aeration system has been made.
Keywords:waste water cleaning, wastewater treatment plants, diffuser, oxygen transfer, aeration
