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Title:Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Memišević, Alma (Author)
ID Cikajlo, Imre (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Alma_Memisevic.pdf (1,54 MB)
MD5: 3192221CEB4CEBD86598E43054BF3368
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V današnjem dinamičnem poslovnem okolju se podjetja soočajo s stalnimi izzivi v smislu izboljšanja kakovosti svojih proizvodnih procesov. Temeljni cilj vsakega podjetja je zagotoviti, da so njihovi proizvodi ali storitve izdelani ali opravljeni s stalno visoko kakovostjo. Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu prikazuje ključno orodje, ki omogoča podjetjem sistematično proučevanje, nadzorovanje in izboljševanje ključnih vidikov proizvodnih postopkov. Ta pristop ne pomaga le preprečevati morebitne napake v proizvodnem ciklu, ampak hkrati omogoča prilagajanje spremembam na trgu, upoštevanje najnovejše tehnologije in učinkovite odgovore na spreminjajoče se zahteve potrošnikov. Središče pozornosti pri analizi za zagotavljanje kakovosti zajema natančno spremljanje vsake faze proizvodnje od začetnih surovin do končnega izdelka. Vključuje elemente, kot so kontrola surovin, stalno spremljanje ključnih obratovalnih parametrov, redne laboratorijske analize, skladnost z uveljavljenimi standardi kakovosti in zakonodajo, vzpostavitev sistema sledljivosti ter nenehno izboljševanje procesov in pristopov, ki pomagajo podjetju izboljšati kakovost na tej stopnji. Ključni elementi, ki zagotavljajo doslednost in varnost proizvodnje, so tudi certifikati kakovosti in usposabljanje zaposlenih. Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti ni le ukrep za izpolnjevanje standardov, temveč tudi nujen korak za zadovoljevanje pričakovanih kupcev, izgradnjo zaupanja v blagovno znamko in preprečevanje morebitnih težav v proizvodnem procesu. S poudarkom za preprečevanje napak in stalnih izboljšav je ta analiza ključna za doseganje visokokakovostnih izdelkov in ohranjanje konkurenčnosti na trgu ter ohranjanje tržne konkurenčnosti.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, proizvodni procesi, izboljšanje kakovosti, FMEA analiza, serijska proizvodnja, SWOT analiza
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:A. Memišević
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:X, 33 str.
COBISS.SI-ID:210033667 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.10.2024
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Licensing start date:10.04.2024

Secondary language

Title:Quality Improvement in the Production Process
Abstract:In today's dynamic business environment, companies face constant challenges in improving the quality of their production processes. The fundamental goal of every company is to ensure that their products or services are manufactured but performed with consistently high quality. The quality assurance analysis in the production process represents a key tool that enables the company to systematically study, monitor, and improve key aspects of production processes. This approach not only helps to prevent possible errors in the production cycle but at the same time enables adaptation to changes market, taking into account the latest technology and effective responses to the changing demands of consumers. The focus of analysis for quality assurance includes the close monitoring of every stage of production from the initial raw materials to the finished product. It contains elements such as control of raw materials, constant monitoring of key operating parameters, regular laboratory analyses, compliance with established quality standards and legislation, establishment of a traceability system, and continuous improvement. processes and approaches that help the company improve quality at this stage. Key elements that ensure the consistency and safety of production, include quality certificates and employee training. Quality assurance analysis is not only a measure to meet standards, but also a necessary step to meet the expectations of customers, building trust in the brand and preventing potential problems in the production process. With an emphasis on error prevention and continuous improvement, this analysis is key to achieving high-quality products and maintaining competitiveness in the market, as well as maintaining market competitiveness.
Keywords:Quality assurance, analysis, production process, serial production, quality improvement, SWOT analysis
