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Title:Raziskovalni podatki korpusa slovenskih kriminalk Sergeja Verča, Toneta Freliha, Avgusta Demšarja, Tadeja Goloba, Mojce Širok in Irene Svetek s perspektivi spola, etničnosti in razreda
Authors:ID Mlačnik, Primož (Author)
Files:.pdf Raziskovalni_podatki_korpusa_slovenskih_kriminalk_Sergeja_Verca,_Toneta_Freliha,_Avgusta_Demsarja,_Tadeja_Goloba,_Mojce_Sirok_in_Irene_Svetek_s_perspektiv_spola,_etnicnosti_in_razreda.pdf (1,73 MB)
MD5: 92C3B9E2A348A0F680547AE8D263FFF1
Work type:Unknown
Typology:2.20 - Complete scientific database of research data
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Dani raziskovalni podatki so del večletne sistematične raziskave, v kateri je avtor analiziral serijske in sodobne slovenske kriminalke s perspektiv kulturnih študij. Raziskava je izhajala iz študij reprezentacij, ki prek analize ponavljajočih se reprezentacij (seksualnosti, spola, etničnosti in razreda) reflektirajo prevladujoče reprezentacijske režime (konservativne, liberalne ali kritične) in njihovo politiko reprezentacij. Avtor raziskave je v svojem preteklem raziskovalnem delu ugotovil, da so v omenjenih romanih identitete likov morilcev in žrtev prevladujoče zaznamovane s seksualnimi konotacijami (samskost, prešuštvo, homoseksualnost, promiskuiteta, ločenost, vdovstvo), ki se ne umeščajo v simbolni imaginarij heteronormativne monogamne partnerske zveze. Eden od ciljev raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako se v analiziranem korpusu petintridesetih romanih šestih sodobnih slovenskih pisateljev in pisateljic serijskih kriminalnih romanov (Tone Frelih, Sergej Verč, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek in Mojca Širok) seksualno neheteronormativne/ali družbeno nesprejemljive seksualne konotacije likov detektivov, morilcev, žrtev in lažnih osumljencev povezujejo z drugimi identitetnimi označevalci – s spolom, razredom in etničnostjo. Raziskovalni podatki obsegajo petintrideset dekonstrukcijskih tabel v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Raziskava ni bila financirana
Keywords:Sodobni slovenski serijski kriminalni romani, reprezentacije spola, reprezentacije etničnosti, reprezentacije razreda
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:Univerza v Novi Gorici
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9168 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:200419587 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Research data from the corpus of Slovenian crime fiction by Sergej Verč, Tone Frelih, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, Mojca Širok and Irena Svetek from the perspectives of gender, ethnicity and class
Abstract:The research data presented here are part of a multi-year systematic study in which the author analysed serial and contemporary Slovenian crime novels from the perspectives of cultural studies. The research was based on studies of representations, which reflect on dominant representational regimes (conservative, liberal or critical) and their politics of representation through the analysis of recurrent representations of (sexuality,) gender, ethnicity and class. In his previous research work, the author of this study found that in the novels in question, the identities of the characters of the murderers and victims are predominantly marked by sexual connotations (singleness, adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity, divorce, widowhood) that do not fit into the symbolic imaginary of a heteronormative monogamous partnership. One of the aims of the research was to find out how the corpora of thirty-five novels by six contemporary Slovenian writers of serial crime novels (Tone Frelih, Sergej Verč, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek and Mojca Širok) link the sexually non-heteronormative/ or socially unacceptable sexual connotations of the characters of detectives, murderers, victims and false suspects with other identity markers - gender, class and ethnicity. The research data comprises thirty-five deconstruction tables in Slovenian and English. The research was not funded.
Keywords:Contemporary Slovenian Serial Crime Novels, representations of gender, ethnicity and class, Sergej Verč, Tone Frelih, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek, Mojca Širok
