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Title:Komedija in nasilje v animaciji : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Likar, Karin (Author)
ID Saksida, Kolja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fabjančič, Milanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V prvem je opisano nasilje, komedija in povezava med njima, v drugem pa je predstavljen diplomski animirani film (NE)Srečen dan, njegov razvoj in nastanek. V poglavju o nasilju so predstavljene različne oblike in prepoznava nasilja, prikazovanje nasilja v različnih medijih, kot so film, animacija, literatura in druge veje umetnosti, kjer je izpostavljena tudi percepcija nasilja, ki se je čez zgodovino spreminjala. Ljudje smo postali bolj nedovzetni za nasilje in ga večkrat spregledamo. Drugo poglavje se posveča animaciji, različnim oblikam humorja in povezavi med humorjem in nasiljem. V različnih medijih se nasilje zamaskira s humorjem in ni tako prepoznavno, kot če bi bila enaka vsebina predstavljena brez humornih izvlečkov. Opisani so primeri animacije in animiranih filmov, ki vsebuje uporabo humorja za opravičevanje različnih oblik nasilja. V drugem delu diplomske naloge, kjer je predstavljen diplomski animirani filmski projekt (NE)Srečen dan, je opisan proces nastanka animacije od ideje do končnega produkta ter problemi, ki so se pojavili čez ves proces nastajanja.
Keywords:animacija, komedija, nasilje, nasilje v medijih, humor, animirani film, diplomske naloge
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:K. Likar
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9228 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209895683 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.10.2024
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Licensing start date:18.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Comedy and violence in animation
Abstract:The diploma thesis consists of two parts, where the first one describes violence, comedy and the connection between the two, while the second one presents the diploma animated film (UN)Lucky Day, its development and creation. In the chapter on violence, various forms of violence are presented and how they are recognized, the depiction of violence in various media, such as film, animation, literature and other branches of art, where the perception of violence, which has changed throughout history, is also highlighted. We have become more resistant to violence and often overlook it. The second chapter is devoted to animation, different forms of humor and the connection between humor and violence. With humor, violence is masked in various media and is not as recognizable as if the same content were presented without humorous extracts. Examples of animations and animated films that contain the use of humor to justify various forms of violence are described. In the second part of the diploma thesis, where the graduation animated film project (UN)Lucky Day is presented, the process of creation of the animation from the idea to the final product, the problems that appeared at the beginning, middle and end are described.
Keywords:animation, comedy, violence, violence in media, humor
