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Title:Green synthesis of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks and their evaluation for ▫$CO_2$▫ capture in humid conditions : dissertation
Authors:ID Škrjanc, Aljaž (Author)
ID Zabukovec Logar, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4C23D76861D79F8B3FF095E0030C3F14
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Emissions of green-house gasses have been in the forefront of scientific research in recent decades. One of the approaches towards reducing the amount of green gas CO2 in the atmosphere is its capture and storage with subsequent conversion where pure enough CO2 can be regenerated. While CO2 capture widely utilizes two mature technologies, amine absorption and cryogenic distillation, they both have significant downsides, in either cost or potential new danger to the environment. To that end an adsorption-based CO2 capture has seen quite a lot of interest in recently. Nanoporous materials have been extensively studied for this application, starting with zeolites, followed by aluminophosphates and also the new members of the porous materials group, the so called reticular porous materials. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), the first discovered reticular porous materials have shown very promising results for post combustion CO2 capture and recently also for in-door and direct air capture. MOFs are in general enough thermally stable for CO2 capture, their main weakness for wide applicability is sometimes lower selectivity for CO2 in real gas mixtures and lower stability in humid conditions. Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), a subgroup of MOFs, have in recent years been extensively studied for sorption applications, also CO2, due to their superior stability and kinetics for vapour/gas adsorption if compared to carboxylate-based MOFs. While extensively studied, an overview of articles shows that most research is limited to a limited set group of frameworks, with ZIF-8 being used in more than half of ZIF papers. While ZIF-8 has successfully been prepared in water and even in solvent-free conditions, the rest of the ZIFs synthesis still heavily rely on solvothermal synthesis with formamide based solvent systems and synthesis times upwards of 5 days. Even in the case of ZIF-8, while greener synthesis approaches are available, dimethylformamide (DMF) synthesis still prevails in the cases tested for CO2 capture, mainly due to the increased CO2 uptake resulting from the synergistic contribution of the remaining DMF solvent in the pores. The goal of this thesis was to develop green synthesis approaches, both solvothermal and mechanochemical, for known ZIFs and then to extend the scope towards preparation of new ZIF materials. The goal for latter was to experimentally determine the optimal topology and functionality of ZIFs for CO2 adsorption in humid conditions. Model humid gas isotherms were developed and measured for a series of ZIFs with mostly SOD (sodalite) and RHO framework topologies and Zn and Ni as metal nodes. Finally, some novel bio-based binder materials were tested for the use with ZIFs. The sorption tests revealed than the SOD topology ZIFs have high potential for CO2 sorption applications, as the adsorption is rapid and further combination of terminally functionalised imidazoles in those frameworks drastically increases the frameworks affinity for CO2 at lower pressures. With most common 4,5- functionalised imidazole having hydrophilic functional groups, the challenge of competitive water sorption still remains. On the other hand some hydrophobic 4,5-substituted sodalite ZIFs, both with 4,5-dichloroimidazole, show excellent CO2 sorption and even complete hydrophobicity. The results led us to hypothesize that further research on ZIFs- for CO2 capture has to shift form 2 substituted sodalite frameworks to 4,5 substituted frameworks with strongly dipolar hydrophobic groups. The hydrophilic polar groups currently in use lead to issues with competitive water adsorption, due to their potential to form hydrogen bonds with water. Furthermore, some new agar and alginate based shaping methods were tested, as both potential binders are not environmentally toxic and are already used on the industrial scale world-wide for other applications.
Keywords:carbon capture, synthesis, metal-organic frameworks, zeolitic imidazolate frameworks, nanoporous materials, dissertations
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:A. Škrjanc
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:108 str., CXLIII str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9285 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:206909187 New window
Publication date in RUNG:10.09.2024
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Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:03.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:Zelena sinteza zeolitnih imidazolatnih ogrodij in njihovo ovrednotenje za zajem CO[spodaj]2 v vlažnih pogojih : disertacija
Abstract:Emisije toplogrednih plinov so že desetletja v ospredju znanstvenih raziskav. Eden od pristopov k zmanjšanju količine toplogrednega plina CO2 v ozračju je njegovo zajemanje in shranjevanje s kasnejšo pretvorbo v primerih, ko lahko regeneriramo dovolj čist CO2. Medtem ko se za zajem CO2 že uporabljata dve tehnologiji, aminska absorpcija in kriogenska destilacija, imata obe pomembne pomanjkljivosti, bodisi v stroških ali potencialnih novih nevarnostih za okolje. Zato je zajemanje CO2 na osnovi adsorpcije v zadnjem času doživelo precej zanimanja. Za to uporabo se intenzivno preučujejo nanoporozni adsorbenti, začenši z zeoliti in aluminofosfati, in kasneje tudi novi člani skupine poroznih materialov, tako imenovani retikularni porozni materiali. Kovinsko-organski porozni materiali (ang. Metal-Organic Framework MOF), prvi odkriti retikularni porozni materiali, so pokazali zelo obetavne rezultate za zajemanje CO2 po izgorevanju in nedavno tudi za zajem v notranjih prostorih ali za neposredno zajemanje iz zraka. MOF-i so na splošno termično dovolj stabilni za tehnologije zajema CO2, njihova glavna slabost za široko uporabnost pa je lahko nizka selektivnost za CO2 v realnih plinskih mešanicah in slabša stabilnost v vlažnih pogojih. Zeolitna imidazolatna ogrodja (ang. Zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF), podskupina MOF-ov, so bila v zadnjih letih temeljito preučevana za sorpcijske aplikacije, tudi CO2, zaradi na splošno boljše stabilnosti in kinetike za adsorpcijo plinov v primerjavi s karboksilatnimi MOF-i. Pri tem pregled člankov kaže, da je večina raziskav omejena na majhno skupino ZIF-ov, pri čemer je ZIF-8 uporabljen v več kot polovici člankov o ZIF-ih. Čeprav je bil ZIF-8 uspešno pripravljen v vodi in celo v pogojih brez topila, se priprava preostalih ZIF-ov še vedno močno opira na solvotermalno sintezo s topili na osnovi formamida in večdnevnimi časi sintez. Tudi v primeru ZIF-8, čeprav so na voljo bolj zelene sintezne metode, za uporabo za zajem CO2 prevladuje sinteza z dimetilformamidom (DMF), predvsem zaradi povečanega zajema CO2, ki izhaja iz sinergističnega prispevka preostalega topila DMF v porah. Cilj te disertacije je bil razviti zelene sintezne pristope, tako solvotermalne kot mehanokemične, za znane ZIF-e in nato razširiti obseg v smeri priprave novih materialov. Cilj za slednje je bil eksperimentalno določiti optimalno topologijo in funkcionalnost ZIF-ov za adsorpcijo CO2 v vlažnih pogojih. Razviti so bili modeli vlažnih plinskih izoterm in le te izmerjene za serijo ZIF-ov, večinoma s topologijami SOD (sodalit) in RHO ter cinkom in nikljem kot kovinskimi vozlišči. Nazadnje so bili nekateri novi vezni materiali iz bioloških virov testirani za uporabo z ZIFi. Sorpcijski testi so pokazali, da imajo ZIFi s SOD topologijo velik potencial za uporabo za zajem CO2, saj je adsorpcija hitra, nadaljnja kombinacija funkcionaliziranih imidazolov v teh strukturah pa drastično poveča afiniteto struktur za CO2 pri nižjih tlakih. Z večino običajnih 4,5-funkcionaliziranih imidazolov s hidrofilnimi funkcionalnimi skupinami ostaja izziv konkurenčne sorpcije vode. Na drugi strani nekateri hidrofobni 4,5-substituirani sodalitni ZIF-i kažejo odlično sorpcijo CO2 in celo popolno hidrofobnost. To nas vodi do tega, da mora nadaljnje raziskovanje ZIF-ov za zajemanje CO2 preiti iz ogrodij z 2-funkcionaliziranimi imidazoli na ogrodja s 4,5-funkcionaliziranimi imidazoli z močno dipolarnimi hidrofobnimi skupinami, kot je 4,5-dikloro. Do sedaj uporabljene hidrofilne polarne skupine, namreč povzročajo težave s preferenčno adsorbcijo vode, preko tvorbe vodikovih vezi. Na koncu smo testirali še agar in alginat kot potencialni vezivi za tvorbo granul in monolitov. Obe potencialni vezivi namreč že imata vzpostavljene industrijske postopke po celem svetu, za raznovrstne aplikacije.
Keywords:zajem CO2, sinteza, kovinsko-organska ogrodja, zeolitna imidazolatna ogrodja, nanoporozni materiali, posedanje, disertacije
