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Title:Nadomestni prevoz : težave nizkocenovne, neodvisne filmske produkcije
Authors:ID Logar, Ana (Author)
ID Turk, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Močnik, Varja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Vsaka filmska produkcija je sestavljena iz predprodukcije, produkcije in postprodukcije. Diplomsko delo govori o težavah v vseh fazah ustvarjalnega procesa. Vsako poglavje se začne s prikazom, kako naj bi v profesionalnem svetu filma posamezna faza produkcije potekala, nato pa opisuje mojo lastno izkušnjo in težave, na katere smo z ekipo med ustvarjanjem naleteli. Teoretični deli so povzeti iz literature in intervjuja s slovensko asistentko režije Urško Kos. Nalogo začnem z opisom predprodukcije in njenih podpoglavj, kjer bralec lahko vidi, kaj vse je treba narediti, preden sploh lahko začnemo snemati film: od ideje do scenarija, iskanja ekipe, igralcev in lokacij ter do izposoje opreme tik pred snemanjem. Z opisom osebnega doživljanja vsake faze predprodukcije prikažem, koliko stvari gre lahko narobe že pri na videz povsem preprostih zadevah. V nadaljevanju diplomska naloga govori o produkciji filma oziroma o snemanju. Vsak snemalni dan povzamem v svojem poglavju ter opišem delo na setu med snemanjem kratkega filma. V primerjavi z navedenimi profesionalnimi okoliščinami, kjer popišem vse potrebne člane ekipe za potek snemanja, je vidno pomanjkanje ekipe v pri snemanju študentskega filma. V opisu zadnje faze, postprodukcije, naloga govori o delu na filmu po tem, ko je film posnet: od prvega pregledovanja materiala do montaže, po končani montaži slike pa urejanje barv slike in montaža zvoka. Faza ustvarjanja filma, ki pretežno poteka na računalnikih, a vendarle z raznolikimi zapleti. Zaključek je namenjen predvsem bralcem, ki se bodo v prihodnosti prvič srečevali s filmsko produkcijo. Celotna naloga je napisana z mislijo na generacije za menoj, ki se bodo s težavami filmske produkcije še srečevale, in z upanjem, da jim bo morda moja izkušnja pomagala pri prvih korakih. Zato v zaključku zapišem tudi nekaj vzpodbudnih besed.
Keywords:film, filmska produkcija, težave, snemanje, predprodukcija, postprodukcija, igralci, ekipa, scenarij, montaža, diplomske naloge
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:A. Logar
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9304 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209421059 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2024
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Licensing start date:13.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:ALTERNATIVE TRNSPORT : primer: študentski film Nadomestni prevoz
Abstract:Every film production consists of pre-production, production and post-production. This thesis talks about the difficulties of each stage of the creative process. At the beginning of each chapter I describe how phases of production should look like in the professional world of film, and then I detail my own experiences and the problems we encountered. Theoretical parts are taken from the literature and an interview with the Slovenian assistant director Urška Kos. The thesis starts with pre-production and its sub-chapters, where the reader encounters all that needs to be done before we even start shooting a film: from the idea to the script, finding the crew, actors and locations and renting the equipment before the shoot. By personally experiencing each phase, I describe many things that can go wrong with even simple matters of organization. Further, the diploma thesis talks about film production or filming. Each shooting day is described in respective chapters, which present the work on the set during the filming of the short film. One can detect the lack of team members in the student production compared to the listed necessary roles in the film crew needed for the smoothest possible shooting period. In the description of the final stage of post-production, the thesis talks about what needs to be done to finish the film after the film is shot: from the first inspection of the material to the editing, and after that the color correction and sound editing. The stage of production that mainly takes place on computers, but can still arouse various complications. The conclusion is intended primarily for the readers who will in the future themselves encounter film production for the first time. The entire assignment is written with the future generations in mind, the students who will face problems of low (or almost no) budget production, and with hope that my experience will help them with their first steps. Thus, there are also some encouraging words in the conclusion.
Keywords:film, film production, problems, shooting/filming, pre-production, production, post-production, actors, team, script, editing, sound
