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Title:Gibanja za politično povezovanje Slovanov od sredine 19. stoletja do začetka 20. stoletja : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Stojchev, Ivan (Author)
ID Devetak, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Ivan_Stojchev.pdf (1,57 MB)
MD5: AA382AC3FA604B196405215787E7F65B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi se poglobimo v zgodovinski in sodobni pomen ideje politične in kulturne povezave med slovanskimi narodi. Raziskava se osredotoča na gibanja političnega povezovanja slovanskih skupnosti. V nalogi evolucijo panslavizma predstavimo od zgodnjih konceptualnih faz do prvega panslovanskega kongresa v Pragi leta 1848, pri čemer prikažemo različne vizije enotnosti in različne ideje o povezovanju, kot sta avstroslavizem in neoslavizem. V nadaljevanju naloge preiskujemo perspektive političnega združevanja posameznih slovanskih narodov, poseben poudarek pa namenimo južnim Slovanom in končni ustanovitvi Jugoslavije. Osredotočimo se tudi na posledice prve svetovne vojne, ki so vplivale na ustanovitev Češkoslovaške in Jugoslavije – dveh uspešnih idej slovanskega političnega povezovanja – nato pa v 20. stol. vplivale na zaton panslavističnih aspiracij. V nalogi poudarimo vlogo gibanja in solidarnosti, ki sta pri oblikovanju nacionalnih identitet med slovanskimi narodi vplivala na oblikovanje slovanskih držav in zavezništev. Čeprav so politične aspiracije panslavizma usahnile, njegova kulturna in ideološka dediščina (kot na primer gibanje evroslavizma in jezik medslovanščina) še vedno vztraja, spodbuja slovansko sodelovanje na različnih področjih in ohranja simbol enotnosti ter kulturne dediščine v sodobnih geopolitičnih izzivih.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, panslavizem, praški kongres 1848, slovanska zgodovina, slovanska enotnost, avstroslavizem, neoslavizem, Jugoslavija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:I. Stojchev
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:III, 66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9366 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209811971 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Movements for the political unification of slavs from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century : diploma thesis
Abstract:This diploma thesis delves into the historical and contemporary significance of the idea of political and cultural connection among the Slavic peoples. The research will be focused on the movements for the political unification of Slavic peoples. It traces the evolution of Pan-Slavism from its early conceptual stages to the first Pan-Slavic Congress in Prague in 1848, examining the differing visions of unity and the various political ideas, such as Austro-Slavism and Neo-Slavism. The thesis further investigates the perspectives of individual Slavic nations towards the idea of political connection, focusing particularly on the southern Slavs and the eventual creation of Yugoslavia. The aftermath of World War I, leading to the formation of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, as two successful ideas for political unity between Slavic people, and the subsequent decline of Pan-Slavic aspirations in the 20th century, are also discussed. The thesis underscores the movement's role in shaping national identities and solidarity among Slavic peoples, influencing the formation of Slavic states and alliances. Although the political aspirations of Pan-Slavism have waned, its cultural and ideological legacy endures (with euroslavism as a new movement, based on the ideas of Pan-Slavism, and with Interslavic, a semi-constructed Slavic language, understandable to all Slavs), fostering Slavic cooperation in various fields and maintaining a symbol of unity and heritage amidst contemporary geopolitical challenges.
Keywords:Panslavism, Congress of Prague 1848, Slavic history, Slavic unity, austro-slavism, neo-slavism, Yugoslavia
