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Title:Genre rules as the framework for preservation and study of new media literature : predavanje na Festivalu novomedijske kulture Speculum Artium, lecture series New technologies, new perspectives
Authors:ID Vaupotič, Aleš (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Typology:3.16 - Unpublished Invited Conference Lecture
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:At its core, human epistemology is based on two pillars: sense experience (consider the Humean empiricism, or phenomenology) and set-theory based logic. Quine in “Epistemology Naturalized” understands a human as a natural transformer of a meager input from senses into a torrential output of descriptions. For him also Carnap’s rational reconstruction (a logical reconstruction of the world from sense data) can be construed as creative and imaginative mechanical simulations, of the transformations from the world of experiential implications into various languages. Such a detached and rule-governed idea of games as playful alternative worlds, possibly in a reduced state as argued by Huizinga, can provide an important perspective on algorithms of new media literature, as well as its other features. Rules for particular works are summarized in genre-constructs, which will be considered for the domain where new media and literature intersect. The genres can be derived form literary traditions, and from the basic aspects of new media art that encompass the algorithmic building of communication artifacts from (more or less vast) archives of utterances in various media, and of other data. Espen Aarseth’s theory considered cybertext a perspective for the study of literature, and not a particular genre (Cybertext, 5). Finally, there is an important problem that needs to be addressed: today, several generations of work by digital media artists are firmly in the past, while media art remains synonymous with “new” and “emergent,” and the growing vastness of the loss consequently goes unacknowledged. The genre-rules based approach attempts to tackle the preservation issue by identifying the key elements of individual works that need to be recorded and preserved. The descriptions are already interpretations with an intrinsic goal of making the works re-enactable and accessible to the audiences of the future. The pilot project of preserving the Nation – Culture project by Vuk Ćosić (2000) will be outlined in the conclusion. (ARIS J7-3158, Sustainable Digital Preservation of the Slovenian New Media Art) / Aleš Vaupotič is a literary comparatist, media theorist, and new-media artist. He works at the Research Centre for Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica. Between 2021 and 2023 he was the director of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, and in 2022 the commissioner for the Slovenian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial. He is currently the project leader in an interdisciplinary research project Sustainable Digital Preservation of the Slovenian New Media Art. Among his research foci are the theory of discourse, semiotics, comparative art studies, new-media theory, methodology of digital humanities and realism in the arts. His monograph Vprašanje realizma (The Question of Realism, 2019) explores the continuities and shifts between traditional and new media.
Keywords:genres, new media art, cultural heritage preservation
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9372 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209514243 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Festival novomedijske kulture Speculum Artium 2024 : Cikel predavanj: Nove tehnologije, nove perspektive / Lecture Series: New Technologies, New Perspectives
Place of publishing:Trbovlje
Publisher:Delavski dom Trbovlje

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:J7-3158
Name:Trajnostna digitalna hramba slovenske novomedijske umetnosti


License:CC BY 2.5 SI, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Slovenia
Description:You are free to reproduce and redistribute the material in any medium or format. You are free to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Secondary language

Title:Žanrska pravila kot okvir za ohranjanje in proučevanje novomedijske literature : Trbovlje, 20. september 2024
Abstract:človeška epistemologija je osnovana na dveh stebrih: čutni izkušnji (Humov empirizem ali fenomenologija) in logiki, ki temelji na teoriji množic. Quine v Epistemology Naturalized razume človeka kot naravnega transformatorja, ki dokaj skromen čutni vnos pretvarja v pravi hudourniški izhod opisov. Tudi Carnapovo racionalno rekonstrukcijo (logično rekonstrukcijo sveta iz čutnih podatkov) je mogoče razumeti kot ustvarjalne in domiselne mehanske simulacije pretvorb iz sveta izkustvenih implikacij v različne jezike. Takšna odmaknjena in s pravili vodena ideja iger kot igrivih alternativnih svetov, po možnosti v reduciranem stanju, kot trdi Huizinga, lahko zagotovi pomemben pogled na algoritme literature novih medijev, pa tudi na njene druge značilnosti. Pravila za posamezna dela so povzeta v žanrskih konstruktih, ki jih bomo upoštevali za področje, kjer se križajo novi mediji in literatura. Žanre lahko izpeljemo iz literarnih tradicij in iz temeljnih vidikov novomedijske umetnosti, ki zajemajo algoritemsko gradnjo komunikacijskih artefaktov iz (bolj ali manj obsežnih) arhivov izrekov v različnih medijih in drugih podatkov. Teorija Espena Aarsetha je kibertekst obravnavala kot perspektivo za študij literature in ne za določen žanr (Cybertext, 5). Nazadnje, treba je obravnavati tudi problem, da je danes že več generacij digitalnih medijskih umetniških del globoko v preteklosti, medtem ko medijska umetnost ostaja sinonim za »novo« in »nastajajoče«, zaradi česar je težko prepoznati obsežnost izgube teh del. Pristop, ki temelji na žanrskih pravilih, poskuša rešiti vprašanje ohranjanja z identifikacijo ključnih elementov posameznih del, ki jih je treba zabeležiti in ohraniti. Opisi so že interpretacije z intrinzičnim ciljem narediti dela ponovno aktivna in dostopna občinstvu prihodnosti. V zaključku bo predstavljen pilotni projekt ohranjanja novomedijskega umetniškega dela Nacija – kultura Vuka Ćosića (2000). (ARIS J7-3158, Trajnostna digitalna hramba slovenske novomedijske umetnosti) / Aleš Vaupotič je literarni komparativist, medijski teoretik in novomedijski umetnik. Zaposlen je kot višji znanstveni sodelavec na Raziskovalnem centru za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici. Med letoma 2021 in 2023 je bil direktor Moderne galerije v Ljubljani, leta 2022 pa komisar za Slovenski paviljon na Beneškem bienalu. Trenutno je vodja interdisciplinarnega raziskovalnega projekta Trajnostna digitalna hramba slovenske novomedijske umetnosti. Med njegovimi raziskovalnimi zanimanji so teorija diskurza, semiotika, primerjalna umetnostna veda, teorija novih medijev, metodologija digitalne humanistike in realizem v umetnosti. Njegova monografija Vprašanje realizma (2019) raziskuje kontinuitete in premike med tradicionalnimi in novimi mediji.
Keywords:žanri, novomedijska umetnost, ohranjanje kulturne dediščine
