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Title:Pop kultura : kaj bi bili moda in fotografija danes brez pop kulture?
Authors:ID Peršić, Anja Viktoria (Author)
ID Žnidarčič, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sosič, Sarival (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Vsi nosimo na sebi obleko, ker je to del naše kulture. Ne maramo več hoditi nagi ali zaviti v živalsko kožo. Obleka je danes veliko več kot samo nujno oblačilo za prekrivanje telesa – spremenila se je v način izražanja stališč, razpoloženja, pripadnosti, starosti, spola, generacije in gibanj. Tako je obleka postala neločljiv del naše kulture, k čemur je prispevala tudi moda. Modo v veliki meri za nas kreirajo drugi in predlagajo, kaj naj bi nosili. In ker obleka prispeva k lastni predstavitvi, bi se radi pokazali v najboljši luči in da imamo stil. Vprašanje je, ali res imamo stil, če smo „moderno“ oblečeni? Odgovor na to vprašanje sem poiskala v modnih časopisih, na spletnih straneh modnih blogerjev, fotografov in modnih oblikovalcev in, seveda, tistih ki so vplivali na moje fotografije.
Keywords:fotografija, moda, oblačila, stil, fotografi, modni oblikovalci, blogerji, diplomske naloge
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:A. V. Peršić
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:96 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9505 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:226696707 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.02.2025
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License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.
Licensing start date:25.11.2024

Secondary language

Title:POP CULTURE : diplomsko delo
Abstract:We all wear clothes because it is a part of our culture. Gone are the days when we walked around naked or draped in animal skins. Today, clothing is much more than just a necessity to cover our bodies—it has evolved into a means of expressing our attitudes, moods, affiliations, age, gender, generation, and movements. Thus, clothing has become an inseparable part of our culture, with fashion playing a significant role in this transformation. Fashion is largely dictated by others, guiding us on what to wear. Since clothing contributes to our self-presentation, we aim to showcase ourselves in the best light and exhibit a sense of style. The question is, do we truly have style if we simply follow fashion trends? I explored this question through fashion magazines, the websites of fashion bloggers, photographers, and designers, and of course, those who influenced my photographs.
Keywords:fashion, style, photographers, fashion designers, magazine, bloggers
