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Title:Infantilna percepcija sveta u Cankarevom romanu Kuća Marije pomoćnice
Authors:ID Vukotić, Sara (Author)
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Language:Serbian (cyrillic)
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Ovaj rad se zasniva na tumačenju infantilne percepcije sveta u Cankarevom romanu Kuća Marije pomoćnice koja je interpretativno interesantna stoga jer izneverava konvencionalni horizont očekivanja. Suštinska egzistencijalna pitanja poput života, smrti, slobode, te odnosa prema drugome i drugosti propuštena su kroz vizuru deteta, te je znakovito pratiti kako se pojam dečijeg razvija u romanu. S tim u vezi važno je napomenuti I uticaj porodičnog modela na formiranje ličnosti, pri čemu se u romanu može primetiti njegovo narušavanje I niz posledica koje takvo narušavanje izaziva kod dece, aktivirajući izrazito pesimistično poimanje sveta. Tema bolesti takođe će u radu zadobiti važno mesto u cilju rasvetljavanja infantilnog pogleda na svet.
Keywords:infantilno, život, smrt, sloboda, bolest, porodica, Ivan Cankar, roman
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2019
Number of pages:Str. 90-99
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-9846 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:226319875 New window
DOI:10.18485/cankar_i(n)_mi.2019.ch8 New window
Publication date in RUNG:17.02.2025
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Cankar i(n) mi : Zbornik radova sa Međunarodne studentske konferencije održane na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, Srbija, 8. i 9. 12. 2018
Editors:Maja Đukanović, Darko Ilin
Place of publishing:Beograd
Publisher:Filološki fakultet Univerziteta
Year of publishing:2019
COBISS.SI-ID:2033533 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Child’s perception of the world in Ivan Cankar’s novel Kuća Marije Pomoćnice The ward of our Lady of Mercy
Abstract:Cankar’s novel The Ward of Our Lady of Mercy published in 1904 represents an important step towards modern literature with indepth psychological dimensions of the characters as well as with a developed symbolic layer of a story about marginalized girls. Third person narrator guided by Malči gives the readers insight into the marginalized convent/hospital that functions by its internal logic that overcomes the convencional horizon of expectation. Cold and dark enterier of the hospital is inhabited by children which in a reader activates a string of associations related to the concepts of innocence, vitalism and joyfulness. However, semantic solutions brought by the novel conflict with given concepts. Therefore the reader encounters a whole array of children’s feelings, thoughts and conversations that aren’t inherent to them. That’s why this paper focuses on the naturalism heritage Cankar uses in this novel in order to try to motivate childs suffering and disdain towards life and its positive values related to sins of their parents. On the other hand the religious layer of the novel contributes to the constructing of the victim motif, that fits into expiation narrative and the hope for the better life after death.
Keywords:infantilnost, življenje, smrt, svoboda, bolečina, družina, romani
