Repository of University of Nova Gorica

Statistics of RUNG
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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Janez Burger

Together there are 77 keywords, that are appearing 80 times.
2 of them (2.6 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 5 times (6.25 % of all appearances).

1xCultural genocide, Post Colonialism, Cinematic Apparatus, Political cinema, Counter Cinema, Brecht, pristno slovensko, Baudry, otroci – odrasli, izobrazba, socializem, kapitalizem, medgeneracijski nagovor, futurizem, Feminist film theory, eskapizem v ameriško kulturo, moški – ženska, Laura Mulvey, kino, televizija, serialnost, mediji, prihodnost, transmedijske serije, mini serije, spletne serije, TV-serija, magistrske naloge, Third Cinema, Anti Imperialism, Douchet, Solanas and Getino, Third Manifesto, Consumerism, Satyajit Ray, Indian Cinema, humanizem, kolektivizem, funds, sources of funding, agreements, national, supranational, LGBTQ, Homoseksualnost, budget, region, southeast Europe, narrative, music, sound, information, metaphor, co-production, production, Film, Reprezentacija, Žižek, meteor, naprava, Otroci, otroški film, individualizem, konstrukt otroške čistosti, mladinski film, eksplozivna, Activism, Human Brain, Zgodovina LGBTQ Filma, Razkritje, Psychological change, Storytelling, Film-making, Propaganda, družbene vrednote