Repository of University of Nova Gorica

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If you want to submit bachelor, master or doctoral thesis, log in with the username and password that you use to enter the study system. The document which is an electronic version of the final work must be converted to PDF format. In addition, you may also submit the thesis source file (e.g. MS Word file) and attachments (e.g. video and audio recordings, images, computer programs, drawings in AutoCAD...). After the required information has been submitted, you fill-out the Declaration of authorship, identity electronic and printed versions of the diploma / master's / doctoral dissertation and publication of personal data. Print and sign the declaration and then submit it to your faculty's offices.

In case of problems write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



 Declaration of authorship, identity electronic and printed versions of the diploma / master's / doctoral dissertation and publication of personal data
 Request for approval of binding diploma / master's / doctoral thesis 

New documents in RUNG:

10.02.2025UNGmiscPreface to the Special Issue “Algebraic Structures and Graph Theory, 2nd Edition”
10.02.2025UNGmiscBottlenose dolphins’ broadband clicks are structured for communication
07.02.2025UNGmiscČekorejḱi zaedno od prviot den do postignuvanje na akademski uspeh
06.02.2025UNGmiscA systematically selected sample of luminous, long-duration, ambiguous nuclear transients
04.02.2025FPŠphdDevelopment of molecular methods for the comprehensive evaluation of stress conditions affecting forest trees
03.02.2025UNGmiscComputational algebra, coding theory and cryptography
03.02.2025UNGmiscAvant-garde and the end of the world
03.02.2025UNGmiscAvant-garde as network and tool: rethinking the peripheral through Yugo-avant-garde practices
30.01.2025UNGmiscOna, ki poje, poje tako, kot izvira voda iz skale – čisto, bistro, silovito
28.01.2025UNGmiscThe interface between Pt and ▫$Bi_2Se_3$▫

The table bellow lists schools whose materials are included in the Repository of the University of Nova Gorica. The materials only comprise full-text works (with files) in all languages. New works are all works published in the last 30 days. Table cells with Magnifying glass start with a search, while cells with RSS enable RSS subscription.

OrganizationDiplomas MSc thesesPhD theses OtherAll
AU - School of Arts10    1
FAN - Faculty of Applied Sciences00    0
FH - Faculty of Humanities00    0
FN - School of Science00   0
FPŠ - Graduate School  02  2
FVV - School for Viticulture and Enology0     0
FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences00    0
PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management00   0
UNG - University of Nova Gorica0419095
VŠU - School of Arts00    0
VŠVV - College of Viticulture and Enology0      0
Last update: 11.02.2025
* Values in this table cannot be just added up, since a single work can be published in multiple organizations.

University of Nova Gorica repository (RUNG) is a unified entry point to electronic information resources which are created at the University of Nova Gorica. In RUNG you can find electronic diploma/masters/doctoral thesis of the University of Nova Gorica and other publications and contributions of the researchers and teaching staff of the University of Nova Gorica.
