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Authors:ID Drevenšek, Mojca (Author)
ID Urbančič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Mojca_Drevensek.pdf (3,38 MB)
MD5: 0AA6A6C272EFE0CAC693FD1033313D0C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:This master’s thesis is motivated by the desire to actively engage Slovenian youth in co-creating our energy and climate future. The background is the growing interest in effective energy transition at the national, EU and global levels, and we specifically focus on the role of education in achieving this goal. The main problem we address is the need for improvement of energy- and climate-related non-formal youth education to increase their interest in the topic, and motivate their engagement in public discussions and the policy-making processes. To tackle this problem, we use the existing En-ROADS energy and climate interactive simulation tool and the accompanying online training series and complement it with new learning materials and learning activities, developed in our educational project. Our approach focuses on open education practices and the co-creation of open educational resources (OER), supported by microlearning via social media (Instagram). We develop a novel approach to address the problem by involving youth in a non-formal open educational process where they are invited to co-create the content and format of learning materials, decide on the technologies used, and affect the implementational process of the key learning activities. The main contributions of the thesis are the developed OERs, which can be adapted, reused or remixed by other stakeholders in the field of energy and climate education, and the recommendations for educators both in the field of energy and climate topics as well as in other fields, related to education for sustainable development. The main methodological finding of the thesis focuses on the importance of flexibility and adaptation of learning materials and activities according to the expressed interests and expectations of young learners. Their feedback needs to be carefully gathered and integrated into the implementation of the project.
Keywords:energy literacy, climate literacy, open education, OER (open educational resources), microlearning, online learning, systems thinking
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8304 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:166793987 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.10.2023
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:13.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:Krepitev energetske in podnebne pismenosti z mikroučenjem in odprtimi izobraževalnimi viri
Abstract:Magistrsko delo motivira želja po aktivnem vključevanju slovenske mladine v soustvarjanje naše energetske in podnebne prihodnosti. Ozadje za to je vse večje zanimanje za učinkovit energetski prehod na nacionalni, evropski in svetovni ravni, pri čemer se posebej osredotočamo na vlogo izobraževanja pri njegovem uresničevanju. Glavni problem, ki ga obravnavamo, je potreba po izboljšanju neformalnega energetsko-podnebnega izobraževanja mladih, da bi povečali njihovo zanimanje za to temo in spodbudili njihovo sodelovanje v javnih razpravah in procesih oblikovanja politik. Za rešitev tega problema smo uporabili obstoječe interaktivno energetsko-podnebno simulacijsko orodje En-ROADS ter spremljajočo serijo spletnih usposabljanj ter ju dopolnili in nadgradili z novimi učnimi gradivi in učnimi dejavnostmi, razvitimi v našem izobraževalnem projektu. Naš pristop je osredotočen na prakse odprtega izobraževanja in soustvarjanje odprtih izobraževalnih virov (OIV), podprtih z mikroučenjem prek družbenih medijev (Instagram). Razvili smo nov pristop k reševanju problema z vključevanjem mladih v neformalen odprt izobraževalni proces, kjer so povabljeni k soustvarjanju vsebin in formatov učnih gradiv, izboru tehnologij in načinu izvajanja učnih aktivnosti. Glavni prispevki magistrskega dela so razviti OIV, ki jih drugi deležniki v energetsko-podnebnem izobraževanju lahko ponovno uporabijo in po želji prilagodijo svojim potrebam. Oblikovali smo tudi priporočila izobraževalcem z energetsko-podnebnega področja in z drugih vsebinskih področij, povezanih z izobraževanjem za trajnostni razvoj. Osrednje metodološko spoznanje dela se osredotoča na pomen fleksibilnosti in prilagajanja učnih gradiv in aktivnosti izraženim interesom in pričakovanjem učeče mladine. Njihove povratne informacije je treba skrbno zbrati in vključiti v izvajanje projekta.
Keywords:energetska pismenost, podnebna pismenost, odprto izobraževanje, odprti izobraževalni viri (OIV), mikroučenje, spletno učenje, sistemsko razmišljanje
