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Authors:ID Debeljak, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pagon, Janez (Author)
Files:.pdf Janez_Pagon.pdf (8,00 MB)
MD5: 9941BA54AF568E7E601652D5764068E9
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:In its upper course the Soča River is one of the best preserved Alpine rivers. Despite that, there have been few studies of its riverine forests, which are an integral part of the river. The research in this thesis encompasses part of the river basin between the towns of Kobarid and the confluence with the Tolminka River. It was found that the riverine forests in the study area are not a homogeneous habitat. Rather, they consist of numerous phytosociological communities with a syn-dynamic connection. The majority of riverine forests in the study area is younger than 50 years old and were established either by the overgrowing of agricultural land or from degraded forests. Accordingly, the forest structure is characterised mainly by uneven-aged stands or younger structural stages, which are frequently returned to their earlier stages due to human impacts. The majority of these forests have low quality prospects. Based on their vegetation and stand characteristics, the riverine forests under study were classified into six stand types. A comparison of the functions and characteristics of particular forest types revealed similarities between the stand types of initial willow, white willow and grey alder. Forests in this cluster are under the influence of soil water and high floodwaters. Their most pronounced function is ecological. In their growing stock, there is a large share of deciduous softwood. Forests in this cluster cover 62% of all riverine forests in the study area. Silvicultural measures are rare in these forests and are less important for the existence of the stands than environmental features like a high level of soil water and minimised human impact on their habitat and the river course. An important characteristic of the second cluster, which consists of pioneer forest on higher-lying river terraces and the riparian corridor stand type is a lack of contact with soil water. In the tree layer of the growing stock in this cluster, species appearing on drier riverine-forest sites prevail (European ash, small-leaved lime, European hornbeam, sessile oak). These forest stands have a greater timber industry potential; therefore, modest measures and limited human impact (especially that which leads to a change in land use like forest grazing and clearing) are recommended. The stands in this cluster cover 30% of the analysed riverine forest area. The third cluster of riverine forests consists of anthropogenic riverine forest stands where the human impact is so significant that they mainly perform a social function. The stand type of this cluster represents 8% of the riverine forests in the study area, and it is suggested that they should be managed as parkland and not as forest areas. Directing visitors to these areas would unburden other, more preserved stand types from the pressures created by human activities (tourism, recreation, construction work). Growth and increment analyses of the most common tree species in the riverine forests in the study area show that mainly olive and white willow, followed by grey alder, have substantial current height (both willow types up to 1.14 m/year), diametric (willow up to 1.4 cm/year) and volumetric increments. However, their rapid growth makes these subjects prone to rapid ageing. The region of northern Primorska was inhabited early in history. Accordingly, there was great pressure imposed on riverine forests already in the past. The analysis of old maps revealed that up to the beginning of the 20th century, the riverine forest area within the scope of analysis was under 50 ha. Within the process of the overgrowing of agricultural land in Slovenia, a process that is currently still underway, the aforementioned riverine forest area increased to 229.16 ha. This thesis shows that the study area is not an unspoiled wilderness. On contrary, just as in the past, it is a crossroads of numerous and frequently conflicting interests. The riverine forest situation on the Soča River in the area b
Keywords:the Soča river, riverine forests, successional stage, forest stand
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2538 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4498171 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.09.2016
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Abstract:Soča je v zgornjem toka do sotočja z reko Tolminko, ena izmed najbolje ohranjenih alpskih rek. Kljub temu je bilo v preteklosti narejenih zelo malo celovitih raziskav gozdov obrežnega pasu, ki so z reko neločljivo povezani. V našo raziskavo smo vključili del porečja med Kobaridom in Tolminom. Ugotovili smo, da obrečni gozdovi preučevanega območja niso homogeno rastišče. Sestavlja jih več fitocenoloških združb, ki so sindinamsko povezane. Velika večina obrečnih gozdov preučevanega področja je mlajša od 50 let in je nastala z zaraščanjem kmetijskih površin ali iz degradiranih gozdov. Posledica tega je med drugim tudi struktura gozdov, saj prevladujejo raznomerni gozdovi ali mlajši razvojni stadiji, te pa človek s svojimi posegi pogosto vrača v začetne razvojne faze. Z redkimi izjemami je tudi zasnova gozdov slaba. Glede na vegetacijske in sestojne lastnosti smo obrečne gozdove preučevanega območja razdelili na šest sestojnih tipov. Primerjava funkcij in lastnosti gozdov posameznih tipov pokaže, da so si med seboj podobni sestojni tipi inicialno vrbovje, belo vrbovje in sivo jelševje. Gozdovi te skupine so pod vplivom talne vode in visokih poplavnih vod. Med funkcijami prevladujejo večinoma ekološke vloge gozda. Delež mehkih listavcev v lesni zalogi je velik, skupaj pa obsegajo gozdovi teh kategorij 62% površine vseh obrečnih gozdov na preučevanem območju. Bolj kot gozdnogojitveni posegi, ki so v teh gozdovih dokaj redki, so za te sestoje pomembne lastnosti okolja, ki omogočajo njihov obstoj (visoka nivo talne vode, odsotnost človeških posegov v rastišče in tok reke). Pomembna lastnost druge skupine, v katero uvrščamo sestojna tipa pionirski gozdovi višjih rečnih teras in obvodni koridorji, je pomanjkanje stika s talno vodo. V drevesni plasti teh tipov prevladujejo vrste, ki se pojavljajo na bolj sušnih rastiščih obrečnih gozdov (veliki jesen, lipovec, beli gaber, graden). Ker imajo ti gozdovi večji lesno proizvodni potencial je predvsem pomembna zmernost ukrepov in omejitev človekovih posegov, predvsem takih, ki imajo za cilj spremembo rabe zemljišča (paša v gozdu, krčitve). Ta razred obsega 30% površine analiziranih gozdov. V tretjo skupino obrečnih gozdov smo uvrstili antropomorfne gozdove v katerih so človeški vplivi že tako veliki, da ti gozdovi opravljajo predvsem socialne funkcije. Ta sestojni tip gozda, ki predstavlja 8% površine obrečnih gozdov, bi bilo smiselno upravljati kot park in ne kot gozdno površino. Usmerjanje obiskovalcev v to področje bi ostale, bolj ohranjene sestojne tipe razbremenilo pritiska človeških dejavnosti (turizem, rekreacija, gradbeni posegi). Na osnovi rezultatov analize rasti in prirastka najpogostejših drevesnih vrst obrečnih gozdov preučevanega območja lahko zaključimo, da imajo predvsem siva in bela vrba, nekoliko manj pa tudi siva jelša, zelo velik višinski (vrba do 1,14 m/leto) , debelinski (vrba do 1,4 cm/leto) in volumski prirastek. Prav zaradi hitre rasti pa se osebki te vrste tudi hitro starajo. Ker je bilo območje severne Primorske poseljeno razmeroma zgodaj, je bil tudi pritisk na obrečne gozdove že v preteklosti zelo velik. Analiza starih kart je pokazala, da je bila do začetka dvajsetega stoletja površina obrečnih gozdov na analiziranem območju pod 50 ha. V procesu zaraščanja kmetijskih površin v Sloveniji, ki traja še danes, se je ta površina povečala na 229,16 ha. Naloga je pokazala, da preučevano območje ni neokrnjena divjina temveč tako kot skozi celotno zgodovino tudi danes ostaja stičišče mnogoterih, pogosto tudi nasprotujočih si interesov. Izboljšanje stanja obrečnih gozdov na področju med Kobaridom in sotočjem z Tolminko lahko dosežemo le z upravljalskim načrtom, ki bo uskladil želje skupnosti in različnih strok. Tako bodo ti sestoji s primernim gospodarjenjem v prihodnosti lahko izkoristili ves potencial za nudenje ekosistemskih storitev v krajini in obdržali pomen ki ga nedvomno imajo.
Keywords:Soča, obrečni gozdovi, sukcesijski stadij, gozdni sestoj
