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Title:Kvantitativni oris romanov Ivana Preglja
Authors:ID Jakopin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vaupotič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Žagar, Anej (Author)
Files:.pdf Anej_Zagar.pdf (2,64 MB)
MD5: 273BC71C70AC70DA70C9C67195409EC1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obravnava kvantitativno analizo romanov primorskega pisatelja Ivana Preglja, ki je ena izmed redkih takega obsega v slovenskem prostoru poleg podobne analize opusa Cirila Kosmača. Izhodišče tovrstnih analiz je elektronska verzija romanov. Analiza slovenskega dela besedil vseh treh romanov je bila opravljena s programskim orodjem Eva in s spletno različico prostodostopnega statističnega oblikovnoskladenjskega označevalnika in lematizatorja za slovenski jezik Obeliks ter vključuje tudi oblikoslovno označitev in lematizacijo celotnega besedila, katere izsledki so bili ročno popravljeni in pregledani. Pri kvantitativni analizi romanov je bila uporabljena statistična metoda, ki prinaša statistične prikaze znakov, črk, besed in povedi. V veliki večini so podatki predstavljeni za vsak roman posebej in za celotno besedilo, dodane so primerjave z rezultati analize besedil Cirila Kosmača. Diplomska naloga prinaša dopolnitve in nadgradnje dosedanjih raziskav o Pregljevih romanih, ki v to smer še niso posegle. Poglavitna dela naloge, seznam vseh lem s podatki o besedni vrsti ter pogostostmi po posameznih romanih in pa seznam delov besedil v tujih jezikih se nahajata v prilogah.
Keywords:Ivan Pregelj, kvantitativna analiza besedil, statistična metoda, roman, oblikoslovno označevanje, lematizacija, znak, črka, beseda, poved, besedna vrsta.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3255-4add7851-27fd-1eba-eea9-d70e5694d069 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4917499 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Quantitative outline of Ivan Pregelj's novels
Abstract:The diploma thesis deals with the quantitative analysis of novels, written by the Slovenian writer Ivan Pregelj, from Primorska region. This kind of analysis is still rare – in Slovenian academic sphere just one such research was made, of the Ciril Kosmač opus. Starting point of such analyses is the electronic version of text. The analysis of Slovenian language part of text of all three novels was made with the lingware Eva and web version of the program Obeliks which includes morphological markup and lemmatisation of text. In the thesis the outcome of Obeliks lemmatizer was proof-read and corrected. The statistical description of special characters, letters, words and sentences was used for the quantitative analysis of particular novel and for the whole lot. Data obtained were compared to results of the analysis of the Ciril Kosmač's texts. The diploma thesis complements previous research on Pregelj's novels. The most important part of the thesis are the list of lemmas with part of speech data and frequencies per particular novel, and the list of citations in non-Slovenian languages. Both are given in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
Keywords:Ivan Pregelj, quantitative text analysis, statistical method, novel, part of speech tagging, lemmatisation, special character, letter, word, sentence, part of speech.
