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Title:Vpliv različnih bentonitov na senzorične in kemijske lastnosti vina sorte 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.)
Authors:ID Lesica, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mozetič Vodopivec, Branka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Špacapan, Uroš (Author)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Spacapan_Uros_i2018.pdf (1,62 MB)
MD5: C4C9DE316F59FCC846E1A28E39F00213
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:VŠVV - College of Viticulture and Enology
Abstract:Pomemben dejavnik pri kakovosti vina ter posledično tudi pri uspešni prodaji je stabilnost vina v steklenici, kajti v nasprotnem primeru pride do slabega ugleda vinarja in tudi zavračanja proizvoda na trgu. Beljakovinsko stabilnost vina lahko dosežemo na več načinov, ki pa so odvisni od same tehnologije in tudi trendov na vinskem trgu. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo preučevali vpliv uporabe štirih različnih bentonitov na kemijske in senzorične lastnosti vina sorte Rebula. Vino smo pred stekleničenjem tretirali z različnimi komercialno dostopnimi bentoniti in stekleničena vina kemijsko ter senzorično ovrednotili. Poleg določanja osnovnih kemijskih parametrov smo spektrofotometrično določili vsebnost skupnih fenolov in barve vina. S pomočjo encimskih kitov smo določili tudi vsebnost vinske, jabolčne in mlečne kisline v stekleničenih vinih. Rezultati našega poskusa kažejo, da je uporaba različnih bentonitov vplivala tako na kemijske kot tudi na senzorične lastnosti vina. V vinih tretiranih z bentonitom smo zaznali rahel trend nižjih vsebnosti alkohola ter skupnih titrabilnih in hlapnih kislin. Obenem pa smo zaznali tudi trende povečanja parametrov, kot je barva vina (absorbanca pri 420 nm) in vsebnosti skupnih fenolov primerjavi s kontrolnim – netretiranim vzorcem. Senzorična ocena tretiranih vin je nakazala trend siromašenja sadnih not pri vseh uporabljenih bentonitih, v določenih primerih pa, nasprotno, pozitivne vplive na zaznane cvetlične in rastlinske note. Rezultati so tako pokazali, da vrsta bentonita različno vpliva na senzorične lastnosti vina Rebula.
Keywords:vino Rebula, belo vino, bentonit, kemijski parametri vina, senzorične lastnosti vina
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3681-928caae1-50da-e6f5-350f-8275135b7eca New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5072123 New window
Publication date in RUNG:13.02.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:An important factor in the quality of the wine and its successful sales is the stability of the bottled wine. The protein stability of wine can be achieved by various means that depend on the production technology itself and also on the trends in the wine market. In the presented thesis, the influence of four different bentonites on the chemical and sensory properties of the Rebula wine was studied. The wine Rebula was treated with various commercially available bentonites and the bottled wines were chemically and sensory evaluated. In addition to the basic chemical parameters, the spectrophotometric determination of the total phenols and the colour of the wine was performed. We have determined also tartaric, malic and lactic acid with enzymatic kits. The results of our experiment are suggesting that various bentonites influenced both, chemical and sensory properties of Rebula wine in our experiment. In wines treated with bentonite, a mild trend toward lower alcohol content and total titratable acids and volatile acids was observed. At the same time, we observed an increasing trend in the parameters such as the colour of the wine (absorbance at 420 nm) and the total phenol content compared to the control – untreated sample. Sensory evaluation of the treated wines indicated trends of lower fruity notes and in some cases positive effects of bentonite treatment on floral and green notes perception. Results indicate that different bentonites have different effect on sensory properties of the Rebula wine.
Keywords:Rebula wine, white wine, bentonite, chemical parameters of wine, wine sensory properties.
