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Title:Pošta Slovenije kot prodajni kanal za trgovsko blago : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Maček, Janez (Author)
ID Milost, Matejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Janez_Macek.pdf (1,84 MB)
MD5: B0D9C33BA19C7CBEEC6FB9B02C970A21
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V časih, ko je konkurenca na trgu vse večja in pogoji poslovanja vse bolj zahtevni, je treba spremljati in prilagajati poslovanje z namenom doseganja čim boljših poslovnih rezultatov. Podjetja iščejo najboljše poslovne partnerje, ki jim na tej poti lahko najbolj pomagajo. Če razumemo lastno poslovanje in navade kupcev, lahko s tem znanjem lažje zadovoljujemo potrebe in želje tako poslovnih uporabnikov kot klasičnih kupcev. Pri izbiri poslovnih parterjev moramo biti zato pazljivi, da izbiramo parterje, ki imajo produkt ali storitev, ki jo lahko trgovec trži in prodaja, ker si jo kupci na trgu želijo in so jo pripravljeni po postavljeni ceni tudi plačati. Podjetje si prizadeva zagotoviti najboljšo uporabniško izkušnjo, ukvarja se s pridobivanjem novih strank in stremi k temu, da čim bolj zadovolji potrebe obstoječih strank, pa tudi poslovnih partnerjev. V diplomskem delu smo z namenom natančnega prikaza prodaje storitev in blaga naredili analizo na področju prodaje, s poudarkom na stanju prodaje glede na pretekla leta. Na osnovi prodajnih rezultatov preteklih let smo opredelili vzroke za trenutno stanje in ukrepe za izboljšavo. Podali smo tudi ugotovitve, če je podjetje primeren partner za sodelovanje pri prodaji blaga in storitev z drugimi podjetji oz. poslovnimi partnerji, ter to tudi obrazložili.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, prodaja, poslovanje, dobavitelji, prodajni kanali, asortiment
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:J. Maček
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:X, 41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8608 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:187037955 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.02.2024
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Licensing start date:27.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:Post of Slovenia as a sales channel for fast-moving consumer goods
Abstract:In times when competition on the market is increasing and business conditions are becoming increasingly demanding, it is necessary to monitor and adjust operations in order to achieve the best possible business results. Companies are looking for the best business partners who can help them the most along the way. If we understand our own business and customers habits than this knowledge can help us meet the needs and wishes of both business users and traditional customers. When choosing business partners, we must be careful to choose partners who have a product or service that the trader can market and sell, because customers on the market want it and are willing to pay for it at the set price. Company strives to provide the best user experience, is engaged in acquiring new customers and strives to meet the needs of existing customers as well as business partners as much as possible. In the diploma thesis, with the aim of accurately showing the sales of services and goods, we made an analysis in the field of sales with an emphasis on the state of sales compared to previous years. Based on the sales results of previous years, we identified the causes of the current situation and measures for improvement. We also provided findings if the company is a suitable partner for cooperation in the sale of goods and services with other companies or business partners and explained it as well.
Keywords:Sales, commerce, suppliers, sales channels, assortment
